Wisdom teeth

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Lucy's POV

Today is the day that Keira will be getting her wisdom teeth removed. It has been a long time coming as Keira has been in a fair amount of pain for a while now.

Man City have given Keira the day off but I still had to come in for the morning. I was going to make sure that I would be able to leave in time to get to the appointment for my girlfriend.

I kissed Keira goodbye as I set off for training. I knew Keira was scared for today, especially since she usually doesn't react well to the anaesthesia which wasn't great. We learnt this when Keira had to get a surgery on her ankle about a year and a half ago. Keira was sick for days afterwards, so we promised ourselves that she wouldn't have to have another surgery again because it was just awful. It didn't really go to plan though, because now she needs another surgery that isn't for an injury but for her teeth, so realistically she couldn't do anything about it.

As I arrived at the training grounds I set a timer on my watch so I could leave at the perfect time to get to Keira. I told all the staff ages ago that I was going to be leaving early.

However, when it was time to leave my manager Gareth was having a bit of an issue at the thought of me going. "Where are your priorities at Bronze? Leaving your team during training because your girlfriend is having surgery?!" My manager angrily said, embarrassing me in the process in-front of all my team.

I wasn't sure how to reply honestly, do I remind him he knew I was leaving? Do I just leave? Who even knows, but I was quite annoyed with my manager just now.

Eventually I spoke back "My priorities as of right now is with my girlfriend who needs me. I need to be there for when she has a reaction to the anaesthetic and to drive her home. I obviously care for the team, the question is do you? Keira is a member of this team and so you should care about her. If you do then you would know the best thing to do is let me go."

I rarely talk back to my manager so I could tell everyone was shocked. Don't mess with my girlfriend, otherwise you will see a completely different Lucy Bronze.

I looked at Georgia who flashed me a sympathetic look. She nodded her head, signalling I done the right thing. I flashed her a grateful look as she told me to just leave and she would sort this mess out for me.

I immediately drove home where I picked Keira up. Due to my wee disagreement with Gareth I had no time to get changed so I was stuck with going to the hospital in my Man City training kit. Brilliant.

It didn't bother me too much honestly. However, what did bother me was the anxious mess sitting next to me. I was worried about her to say the least.

Keira's POV

As Lucy and I were driving to the hospital, I was so scared. I had a match this Sunday against Everton and the staff made it clear that I had to play. So this all had to go to plan.

I also didn't want to throw up everywhere due to the anaesthetic so I certainly was not looking forward to this. Don't even get me started on me going to look like a chipmunk for ages.

"You alright Keira?" Lucy asked me after a while. I then realised that I had been shaking my leg for a while. "I just don't want to be sick, Gareth will be fuming if I don't play on Sunday" I replied honestly.

Sometimes I wish that we had a more understanding manager. Gareth believes that nothing should ever get prioritised over football even if it's a surgery. I know Lucy is planning on leaving Man City this summer because of the management and at this rate, I was thinking about joining her.

As we arrived at the hospital, Lucy took my hand as we signed in. I am glad I took my fitness ring off for this because I know for a fact that my heart rate is through the roofs just now.

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