Keira gets online hate

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Warning - Some suicidal references
Set after world cup 2019

Nobody's POV

The lionesses were knocked out of the world cup in the semi final. Since then all the girls were disappointed and exhausted. The loss was obviously not deserved as the girls all played their hearts out until they ran out of time to find the equaliser.

The girls were all destroyed. They sat the bus on the way back to the hotel in silence. They were all too afraid to say anything that may upset the other. After a while Lucy as one of the main leaders and experienced players in the squad spoke up.

"I know your all upset. As am I, it's okay to cry, shout, scream. Do whatever you need to do in order to feel any kind of relief. The one thing that I will make you promise me is do not shadow away. Talk to someone, if that's your partner, friend, staff member or me please just do it. I have been in a tough place and you all know how much I love winning. But today I am so proud of you all. We gave it everything never forget that."

Everyone in the squad needed that as they all thanked Lucy. What Lucy didn't realise is that her girlfriend needed that advice more than anyone. The young midfielder was scrolling through her phone as it flooded with harsh comments.

Nobody noticed as a few tears slipped from her eyes as she saw people telling her to quit the sport she loves. The worst thing is that wasn't even bad compared to some of the other comments. People were telling Keira to commit suicide.

Keira sat in silence as she read through her phone as her vision began to get blurry with her tears. Eventually Keira turned off her phone and forced herself to look out the window away from everyone. Everyone on the bus was sat by themselves to give everyone their room, this meant not even Lucy knew Keira was struggling.

When they arrived at the hotel all the girls went up to their own hotel room defeated. They knew they would talk to eachother at dinner. The lionesses per request had their own hotel room so that meant nobody had to socialise which they were all thankful for just now. Except for Keira.

Keira's POV

I told Lucy I would see her at dinner. I couldn't be with anyone right now. Honestly I was considering not going down to dinner. I don't know what my head was thinking. I sat down against the wall with head in my hands and started to sob.

Should I just end it? I wouldn't have to feel this pain anymore. They would all be better off without me, the team, the fans, my family and Lucy. Lucy did say do anything to feel relief. This is what would give me relief. If everyone on my instagram thinks that she would be better without me then their right.

I don't know how long I sat crying for but after a while I grabbed a box of strong pain meds I was given. I knew if I took enough then that would be it. I just sat and stared at it numb.

Lucy's POV

I was at dinner with all the girls. We have all came to accept the defeat. We will go again in 2023. However, all the girls were down here except one person. I grew increasingly concerned as I couldn't find my favourite red head anywhere in the room.

"Hey guys has anyone seen Keira?" I find myself shouting to all of my teammates. All of them turned to me concerned as they shook their heads.

Everyone watched on as I took my phone out and dialled the emergency contact on my phone. However, my girlfriend did not pick up. Keira always answers me so I know something is wrong. At this point the team is all stood out of their seats and walking over to me as I dialled Keira's number again. No answer. I leave a voicemail.

"Hey Kei, please answer me I am worried." I say into the phone. I know she could be sleeping but she's a light sleeper and always has her phone on sound.

"Lucy look at this." I hear Steph say as she shows me her phone of all of Keira's hate comments on twitter and instagram. I hear the team gasp in shock as we come across multiple suicide threats.

"Oh my god" escapes my mouth before I realise it has. Everyone turns to face me as I bolt up the stairs to Keira's room. I hear the team running up behind me.

As I sprint to Keira's room I start pounding on the door. "Keira it's me, let me in please." I say over and over. The team are stood behind me. I don't care if I have to kick this door down I am getting in.

I put my ear to the door and hear sobbing from the other side. My heart broke. I notice the team hears her too as Leah and Georgia run to the receptionist to get a spare key.

"Keira please. I need you. Please just open the door." my voice broke, desperation clear in my tone. A couple of the girls put their hands on my shoulder in response. I just hear Keira's crying get even louder. I try again "Keira I have so many plans for us. I want it all with you. I don't know what I would do if you left me" I barely got out with my voice turning into a whisper.

Eventually Leah and Georgia come up with the spare key and open the door. I run as fast as I can into the room. My heartbreaks at the sight of Keira sat against the walls sobbing into her hands with a packet of opened pain meds next to her. She opened them.

I rush over to her and pick her up into my lap. She just continues sobbing into my shoulder. "Keira did you take them darling. Tell me now I won't be mad. You can't leave me. I won't live without you." I tell my girlfriend as I rubbed her back with tears falling from my eyes at the thought of my girlfriend not being with me anymore.

I felt her shake her head at my question. I still chucked the packet at Leah to check if she did. Luckily I got the response of a shake of the head.

The team all came into the hotel room and just sat around us in silence showing their support. I appreciated this.

Eventually I felt Keira calm down and I brought her face forward so I could look at her. Her face was swollen with tears but I still thought she looked beautiful. I made sure to remind her.

"I'm so proud of you. I am going to be here for you through it all my love. Whatever you need I am here okay?" I told her as I wiped away her tears.

"I never did it I promise. I still want a life with you. Luce can you just take me to bed please?" I hear her whisper.

I just nodded as I grabbed her thighs and stepped through all of the girls in the room and laid Keira down on her bed as I sat down beside her and took her hand in mine.

Keira turned to all of our teammates in the room "Thank you for coming." she said honestly. Each girl came and gave Keira a hug and then left knowing she needed privacy.

After they all left she just said "you can stop worrying." knowing that my heart was still racing at the sight I seen my girlfriend in. I just shook my head and said "I don't know what I would do without you." as tears slipped down my face.

She just pulled me into bed beside her and curled into my neck. "I'm so sorry. I stayed for you. I will always stay for you."

Authors Note

I am so heartbroken for Leah. I don't think words will even describe how she is feeling just now. I am so proud of her for what she has achieved and I know she will come back stronger.

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