It is okay to Grieve

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I am sorry I haven't been active a lot recently, I have been really busy. I will try my best to be active and I will write another chapter on my Lia and Caitlin book asap!

Keira's POV

My whole life shut down when I received the phone call from my mother. My grandad had a heart attack. That was the only thing I heard before I zoned out in shock.

When I didn't reply to my mum I heard her shout my name down the line. "Is he okay? Can I see him?" Was my response. When I was met with silence from my mum, my eyes filled with tears as I realised he didn't make it.

"I'm so sorry Keira. I know how close you were to him." My mum said as I realised she needed me more as it was her dad.

"Mum I am coming over. He's your dad I know you must be heartbroken." I said, trying to stay strong for my mum as I hung up the phone.

I finally let myself  shed a few tears. I looked at my phone where the contacts I had showed. The emergency contact was calling out my name as I was about to phone her. Lucy.

I need her right now, she's the only one who could calm me down. I stopped myself. She's in Lyon and probably busy. Besides, my mum needs me more.

I locked my phone again and left for my parents house. I just let them cry for what felt like hours. I couldn't let myself cry, I had to be strong for them.

"Keira are you okay?" I heard my dad ask at one point. In response I just nodded my head, "Yeah of course."

"You're aloud to feel sad too, you know? Have you spoken to Lucy?" My mum asked as both my parents raised their eyebrow at me.

"Not yet." I replied as I glanced at my phone again, once again wanting to call my girlfriend.

"Please do it Keira. She is the person you need right now, and I think we both know that." My mum said, as my dad agreed. I just nodded, knowing deep down they were right.

I said my goodbyes to my parents as I got in my car to drive home. Once I got in my car it all started to hit me again, in a big wave of sadness.

Tears flowed down my cheeks as I drove through the streets of Manchester. I have no idea how I made it home safely. I was definitely not in the state to drive. I was in a trance the whole way home and I only seemed to snap out of it when I pulled into my driveway.

As I went to unlock the door to my house, I realised the door was already opened. I was sure I locked the door behind me but with what has gone on today I never thought anything of it and walked into my house.

That's when I turned around, after I shut the door and I was met with the familiar comforting presence of Lucy Bronze waiting with her arms open, awaiting my embrace.

I walked over to her without a second thought and melted into her arms. I properly broke down for the first time that day. "He's gone Luce." I sobbed as my girlfriend tightened her arms around my waist and played with my hair.

"I know Kei. I am so sorry." Lucy replied as she placed a loving kiss on my forehead.

I have no idea how Lucy got here or how she found out but I was so grateful.

Lucy's POV

I was in training that day when I received a message from Keira's dad Peter explaining about the death of Keira's grandad. I felt my heart sink. Keira is so close to her grandad and I knew this would crush her.

I knew I had to go home to her, so I cleared the days off with my coaches at Lyon then immediately booked a flight and got my stuff.

Peter mentioned they hadn't told Keira yet so I was confident that I would get to Manchester before Keira would get into a worse state. I know how my girlfriend was so I know the news would take a while for it to properly sink in.

I landed in Manchester and got my taxi to Keira's place. I realised she wasn't in so I took out my key that Keira gave me and unlocked the door.

It was only ten minutes later when I heard Keira walk in. I immediately gave her a hug. The way Keira was sobbing absolutely broke my heart. This was one thing I could not fix.

I just opted in to telling her how sorry I was. "I love you Kei, I know your grandad did too. He will be watching over you now babe, he is your guardian angel." I told Keira as I lifted her onto the sofa and let her curl into my lap.

"It's mum I am worried about more than anything." Keira told me as she settled her head in the crook of my neck.

"Well it seems that your parents are more concerned about you because as usual you are putting everyone else first." I started off gently as I rubbed Keira's arm.

"I can handle it." Keira replied as I felt more tears soaking my shirt indicating Keira was still crying.

"Keira it is okay to grieve. You have to otherwise it will eat you alive. I have taken a few days off from Lyon and I also called Man City to tell them what happened. So you and I have several days to sit and let you cry as much as you need to okay?" I say.

"Okay." Keira whispered as she was clearly tired. I had noticed she has been for a while as she kept on yawning but I wanted to let her get all her feelings out of her system so she could sleep peacefully.

I lifted Keira up the stairs to her bedroom where I just laid down on the bed with Keira still in my arms. I didn't even bother to change either of us as Keira was already nearly asleep.

"Go to sleep Kei, wake me up if you need me." I said as I watch her nod slowly before she dozed off.

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