The family wedding

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Nobody's POV

Lucy and Keira decided not to tell anyone about their relationship at England. So they kept quiet until they were behind closed doors. They just acted like they usually would in-front of the lionesses as naturally Lucy and Keira were always together anyway as they were such good friends before they got together.

Soon enough camp ended and that meant Lucy had to go back to Lyon. "I am gonna miss you" Lucy said as she wrapped her arms around her girlfriend. Keira replied saying "I will miss you too. I will see you for the wedding though."

They both knew the wedding was a while away but they had to remain positive about long distance. Keira didn't have to leave camp for a few hours but Lucy had a flight to catch to Lyon. Keira walked Lucy to the entrance and watched on as all of their teammates hugged the right back. Lucy then turned to Keira and hugged her tight "see you soon babe" she whispered in her ear. "see you soon luce" Keira returned.

Keira watched on as Lucy got into the taxi. She then turned around to be met with questioning faces on her national teammates.

"What is it?" Keira asked her teammates. They all just shook their heads wirh smiles on their faces. "Nothing" they said in unison. Keira was a bit apprehensive but let it go. She couldn't contain her smile as a text appeared on her phone from Lucy saying "miss you already xx".

The day before the wedding
Keira's POV

Tomorrow my cousin is getting married and I am super excited for her. The wedding is in Greece so I have a flight today so I will be there in plenty time. Lucy is currently on a flight from Lyon to Manchester and she should be landing any minute. This means that she can then get on the plane with me to Athens.

It is currently 8 am so Lucy had to get up really early and I feel bad for her since she had a match last night. I was currently at the airport waiting for her to come. Eventually I saw her coming down the escalator and I was so happy to see my girlfriend.

Lucy made me promise her not to cause a scene in the airport so I obliged and didn't run to her even though I wanted to. Instead the smile on my face grew as I watched her walk straight towards me.

Once she reached me she instinctively wrapped her arms around me as I did the same. "welcome home Luce. Even if it is for a few hours" I joked. I felt Lucy laugh against my shoulder as we pulled apart.

"I missed you" she said looking at me as she laced her fingers through mine as we started to walk towards where all the bags were. "I missed you more. It's been so difficult not having you here." I said to her as I squeezed her hand.

Lucy's POV

It had felt as though I just got home only to leave again. However I was excited to go to the wedding with Keira so I could spend time with her.

When we were on the plane to Athens I felt Keira lean her head on my shoulder. I turned to look at her as I realised she was fast asleep. I realised I hadn't slept a lot last night so I went to sleep too.

Thankfully that meant when I woke up we were just about to land so I shook Keira awake and we braced for landing. Luckily the landing went well and Keira and I walked into the airport to get our stuff.

This is when we would be meeting up with Keira's parents. I had already met them multiple times but that was as Keira's friend. Now I have to meet them as Keira's girlfriend and that was stressing me out a bit.

As we walked over to the bags we spotted Tracy and Peter. They both came over to greet us and I was happy when Tracy smiled at me and said "I was hoping it would be you she was going to take. I am guessing you finally found the courage to ask her out Keira?"

I laughed as Keira turned red and I explained "I guess it was mutual wasn't it? I have liked Keira for a while too but I was to scared to do anything about it."

Peter smiled at me and said "well, we are glad you fessed up." I nodded my head and said me too. Then Keira and I grabbed our bags and followed Tracy and Peter to where they had a car for us.

The hotel was amazing, it had beautiful views and a lovely bathroom. I was so happy to be here with Keira and her family. I wish I fessed my feelings a long time ago but I am just happy we are where we are now.

The day of the wedding
Nobody's POV

Keira and Lucy both got dressed and did each others make up and hair. Keira had her bridesmaids dress on and Lucy had a suit on which was the same colour of Keira's dress. 

They walked down to meet Keira's cousin. She looked unreal. Soon enough it was time for the wedding and they were lined up outside the beach where it was taking place.

Lucy would walk Keira down the aisle and then go and sit with Tracy near the front. Just as they were about to have their queue to go down the aisle Lucy turned to Keira and said "I am so lucky to have you. You look beautiful."

Keira blushed and said "You look amazing as always Luce." They smiled at eachother before Lucy wrapped her arm through Keira's and squeezed her arm as they walked down the aisle.

Lucy couldn't help but imagine that one day this would be them. Little did she know Keira was thinking the exact same.

The wedding was absolutely beautiful. The vows nearly had Lucy in tears as she was listening to them declare their love. She locked eyes with Keira multiple times during the wedding. They knew they were thinking the same thing. These vows would be them some day and it would be so beautiful.

When the dances came Lucy turned to her partner and asked her "do you want to dance with me?" Keira smiled and nodded her head. "I would be honoured Lucy Bronze."

As they reached the dance floor they joined all the other couples on the floor. Lucy placed a hand on Keira's neck and laced the other into Keira's hand.

They were so in love and there was no denying it. Halfway through the song Keira placed her head on Lucy's shoulder, savouring the moment.

"I love you" Lucy found herself saying. Even Lucy was surprised she said that. Lucy had never told a partner that she loved them before and she just did it without realising with Keira after dating her for a month.

Keira kissed Lucy before replying "I love you too."

Authors Note

Thought I would update today to cheer up my fellow Arsenal fans. Absolutely gutted for them, I am so proud of our girls for playing how they did with the amount of injuries.

Also, Lucy and Keira have won yet another trophy together by winning the league yesterday. I am so proud of them.

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