Cruise Holiday

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Two chapters in one night!! I am currently making my way through suggestions, I am doing my best x

Lucy's POV

Keira and I have been going through very intense schedules at the moment. Luckily everyone at Barcelona and England were given a couple days off to do whatever we wanted to do.

Keira and I came to the conclusion amongst ourselves that we would go on a cruise to explore more of the places around Spain to get to know our new country.

We both loaded our suitcases and made it to the boat. It was huge, we were both really excited to switch off and just have time for us because we haven't really had that at the moment.

I really wanted to spoil Keira so I went for the full package. I got us a huge room, booked a massage on the boat and made a reservation at the bar for cocktails tonight.

I took mine and Keira's suitcases along to our suite as she followed me. I unlocked it as I let her walk in to explore. I could tell how happy she was. She came running over to me, wrapped her arms around my neck and expressed how thankful she was.

I just replied saying "anything for my girl. You deserve it so much." as I rubbed her back knowing it was bothering her over the last few days. That was mainly one of the reasons why I booked a massage.

Keira's POV

I cannot believe how much Lucy has spoilt me. When we were booking the cruise she would not let me pay a thing, I was shocked at the size of our room and she told me she had more planned for us later.

In the mean time, the cruise set off so Lucy and I went to go sit on the top deck to see the views of Spain. Life right now was amazing, I lived in the most beautiful country, I have the most amazing team and the best girlfriend. I could not wait to see what else we are going to do on our days off. 

I leaned my head on Lucy's shoulder as we sat and admired the views. There is nobody I would rather do life with than the woman sitting beside me. She is my everything and I will always be so unbelievably grateful to have her as my partner.

"I love you" I told her as I looked her in the eyes to show her how much I meant it. "I love you too Kei. I Always have and I always will" Lucy replied to me.

We then went to what Lucy had done for a surprise for me. We walked hand in hand through the layers of the cruise until we came across what looked like a spa. I looked at my girlfriend with a questioning look on my face.

She then answered my silent question by saying "I booked us a massage and spa day. I know that your back has been bothering you the last few days so I thought it would be a good way to bring you some comfort that you have been looking for."

If I could fall even more in love with Lucy Bronze I would right then and there. "Thank you Luce. You're the best." I told her as I squeezed her hand. She responded to this by kissing my cheek.

Lucy led me inside as we checked in and then went to the massage room. We passed conversation with eachother as we had our massages.

It might sound a bit controversial but there is absolutely nobody I prefer having a conversation with then Lucy. She knows exactly what I want to talk about and when I prefer to sit in silence. She just gets me.

As we were leaving the massage my back finally felt better again. The constant aching was finally gone and I was so happy that I could walk without any pain again.

I think Lucy noticed this as she commented "Your walking straighter again. I will take that as a good sign." I just nodded my head as I took her hand again and said "Yes, that is all thanks to you."

Later on that evening, Lucy and I got dressed up and went for food. Lucy and I have grown to love Spanish food, we love trying new things so we have really settled in Spain. The good thing was thanks to our Barcelona Spanish teachers we can both order our food without an issue now.

After we finished eating Lucy revealed that she booked us to go cocktail testing in the bar of the Cruise. Could this girl spoil me even more?

Lucy's POV

I led Keira to where I booked our cocktail reservation, it was such a cute place that over looked the sea with fairy lights. Keira and I were talking about how much we loved Spain and the culture. The people here were just so lovely.

"Hey Kei, what do you think I should do once I retire?" I asked my girlfriend. I had never really thought about it before, I don't know whether it was the alcohol or what but it just came out.

Keira looked a bit taken back before she replied "Luce it's your life. Just know what ever you choose to do I will support you always."

It gave me a sense of relief that Keira would support me no matter what. "I think if you still want to play for Barcelona I will stay here too. Whatever team you play for I will live with you." I told her honestly.

Keira just took my hand and said "Whatever makes you happy babe. Aslong as your happy then I am happy."

After our sentimental talk we decided to step away from the alcohol and go look at the sea instead.

Keira's POV

As we were admiring the sea, I don't know if it was the movement of the water, or the alcohol, or even both but I started to feel really sick.

Lucy looked at me with a bit of concern on her face "are you okay Kei? you have turned really white." She asked me as she moved a bit of my hair that was in my face.

I just shook my head and said "I think I am a bit seasick honestly." Lucy then took my hand and started to lead me back to our room quickly.

I could feel myself about to throw up as we arrived to our room as I pushed past my girlfriend straight to our bathroom and started to throw up any contents in my stomach.

I felt Lucy kneel behind me, grab my hair and start to rub my back as I threw up. After what seemed like ages I stopped and Lucy leant over me to flush the toilet.

She then proceeded in helping me to my feet and left me to brush my teeth and clean myself up. I felt really guilty as I thought I ruined our night. Lucy came back into the toilet and seen that I looked upset. "What's wrong Keira? Do you feel like your going to be sick again?" She asked with concern evident on her face.

"No. I just feel like so ruined our whole night I am so sorry Luce you deserve better." I told her honestly. Lucy shook her head and grabbed my hand "Keira  don't be silly. You can't help being sick, I love you always, I won't stop just because you got a bit seasick."

In response I just wrapped my arms around my partner to show my appreciation for her. I was going to lean up to kiss her but she stopped me and jokingly said "I love you but not enough to kiss you straight after you have been sick."

I gasped at her and said "how rude. I feel really offended." as I jokingly smacked her arm.

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