Always by your side

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I'm glad Keira is staying in camp for her rehab so she can still be around all the girls.

I'm so glad she's okay!! Yes, she still is injured but I think everyone will agree that a few weeks/ months injury is better than a whole seasons worth! I'm so beyond happy for our star girl💞 wishing her the absolute best in her recovery!!

Keira's POV

I felt it. Instantly, I felt it. The sounds of my screams overtook the sound of a suddenly silent stadium. My studs got caught in the grass as I slid in to make an interception. I done my knee, badly. I stayed down and hugged my knees begging it was all a nightmare that would end soon.

Deep down I knew this being a nightmare wasn't realistic. It was very much true. So I started frantically waving my hand in the air to signal I desperately needed medical attention.

I was in so much pain. A couple seconds later I heard the refs whistle blow and my teammates soon surrounded me. The first one to me was Georgia who was right behind me. I then notice my girlfriend frantically sprint to my side. Georgia started to wipe the grass of my face and I started to get really overwhelmed. "Get off! Get off!" I ushered as everyone took a step back. I felt bad, but I needed space to assess how bad my knee was.

When the medics reached me, I shook my head to hint it was bad. "I've done my knee" I admitted as they began to assess me. I looked to my right and noticed that even if I told them both to get off me, Georgia and Lucy both never left my side. They both shared equally stressed, worried faces with Lucy even having tears in her eyes.

"You're going to be okay Kei" I heard Lucy say in attempt to soothe me. That's when I burst into tears, as they started flooding down my cheeks quickly. Lucy then took a step closer to me and bent down so she was at the same level I was, as Georgia left to get a drink.

"It hurts so bad Lucy, it's all over. The world cup is gone for me." I said to my girlfriend, as my heart broke. Everything I have worked hard for, to finally be recognised and feel like I have an important role in this team has all gone to waste. I've had the season of my life at Barcelona. Everything was going so well.  Now I've got nothing.

"I will be by your side through all of it. No matter what Keira, I will always be by your side. I'm not leaving you, I will drive you everywhere in Barcelona, Manchester, London wherever it is. Just know there is not a single thing I won't do if you need me too. I love you. If you feel as though you have nothing just now, you're wrong. You've got me and you always will." Lucy said as I couldn't help but sob even more at my girlfriend knowing exactly what to say.

"Can you walk?" One of the medics asked me as I noticed a lot of my teammates now crowded around, including Georgia who appeared next to Lucy again.

I just shook my head in response. I was in so much pain, there was not a chance I would be leaving on my own feet. Something was seriously wrong and I knew it. A couple seconds later a stretcher was being brought on the pitch. I felt my breathing get more ragged at my panic of the situation.

Lucy came closer to me again, being over. "In and out through your nose Kei, take deep breaths." Lucy said as she started demonstrating a correct breathing technique to which I copied.

Once the stretcher came on, Lucy couldn't stand next to me with the amount of medics in her way. Once again, Lucy never left. She never stayed more than 2 feet away from me the whole time. Once I was successfully on the stretcher I was lifted up. I was till in a crying state but I locked eyes with my girlfriend.

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