Lucy's recent injury and qualifing for uwcl final

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Nobody's POV

Barcelona were currently facing Chelsea in the first leg of the semi final at Stamford Bridge. Both teams were playing well, but Barcelona were dominating.

They led four minutes into the game with an unbelievable strike from Caroline Graham Hansen. However another standout moment was one that made Keira very proud.

Lucy Bronze kept the score line in Barcelona's favour as she made a goal line clearance. This led Barcelona to be in a very good state of mind when they enter the changing rooms at half-time.

Keira and Lucy were always sat next to eachother in the changing room. When Keira walked in she already seen her girlfriend at her locker. Keira squeezed Lucy's shoulder as she sat down next to her. "Nice save Bronze." Keira said to her girlfriend with a smirk on her face.

Lucy just smiled and said "I haven't played this well in a while. You know how much I love clearing goals." Keira nodded knowingly as they started listening in to their teams half time tactics.

Soon enough Keira and Lucy were walking back out with their team. They were ready to see this out. It would be a massive result for them if they could bring a 1-0 win back to Camp Nou.

The second half started with Chelsea already pressing higher and playing better. Keira and Lucy were both playing very well. Keira dominated the midfield where Lucy won all of her duels. The match was going perfect for the couple.

That was until Lucy passed the ball forward and felt something pop in her knee.

Lucy's POV

Shit. I know this is not good. I felt something pop in my right knee and I could not put any weight on it. I tried stretching it out but I eventually accepted that something was wrong so I had sat down in defeat.

I rolled down my sock and started to test my knee to see if my ACL was still functioning. I felt a bit of relief rush through me as my ACL was still there.

The medics came on and started doing tests on me. Ultimately I knew I had to come off, I am in so much pain and I don't know what is wrong with me. All that was going through my head was the world cup. I need to make the world cup.

Keira came rushing over asking if I was okay. I just shook my head no and she came and sat beside me to listen to what the medics had to say. They said I had to come off so they could run more tests.

I tried to stand up but yelped in pain when I put weight on my right knee. This wasn't good, I couldn't even stand up. Keira noticed I was struggling and grabbed hold of my arms forcing me up.

She wrapped her arm around my waist once I got up too my feet as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder instead of using my knee as she supported me off the pitch. She helped me to the bench before I told her to go back onto the pitch as I watched Marta go on in replace of me.

I then got handed crutches as I hobbled down the tunnel to the medical to get scans. After loads of tests they came to the conclusion I need to have yet another knee surgery.

I have had my fair share of knee surgeries on my right knee so I wasn't surprised. I did a couple activities I know that help relieve my knee pain as I finally could put weight on my knee.

Eventually I decided I wanted to watch the rest of the game. Without support I walked back onto the pitch and made my way up to the Barcelona sub benches where I told my worried teammates I was okay.

A couple minutes later Keira was subbed off and she immediately came up to the bench. The concern was clear on her face as she asked me if I was okay. I told her that I was feeling better but I would speak to her properly later on. She understood what I was saying as she nodded her head and took a seat next to me.

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