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Gonna be set before Lucy and Keira started dating
Keira's POV

Lucy and I have been flirting for what feels like years. I like her a lot to say the least and I think she may like me back but I don't want to get my hopes up. She is Lucy Bronze at the end of the day and I am just me.

Georgia Stanway has told me countless times how talented and beautiful I am and to never talk badly about myself like that but I can't help it. I want Lucy and badly. I just don't think I have the self confidence to admit that to her yet.

So I will just continue with the flirting for now but only if Lucy starts it. Tonight some members of the Man City team are meeting up for drinks since we have the weekend off. As far as I know it is only Georgia, Jill, Steph, Ellen, Caroline, Demi, Alex, me and Lucy who are going.

I can't wait to see what Lucy is wearing, I know she will look good either way. I have decided to put in a lot of effort into what I am wearing tonight. I have got quite a short skirt and revealing top on, in hopes to maybe catch Lucy's eye.

Georgia knew that I liked Lucy. I am pretty sure everyone knows except Lucy herself but I think she must know too. It is not like I am discreet about it. I was picked up by Georgia an hour later to take us to the club. Georgia claimed she wouldn't be drinking tonight and that is why she was driving. I also knew it was highly unlikely that she would not drink so I had a taxi booked for the both of us anyway. I knew what G was like.

"Trying to impress anyone Keira?" Georgia asked me with a smirk on her face. I just rolled my eyes at my bestfriend, of course she would have to make a comment on it. "Maybe" I replied as we both laughed.

When we arrived I noticed Lucy was already there, as were all the girls. Oh my god, Lucy looks stunning. Georgia and I walked straight over to where they were sat and I took the spare seat next to Lucy. "Hey Kei" Lucy greeted me as she wrapped her arm around my chair.

"Hey Luce" I replied easily as I got into conversation with the girls. About ten minutes later I felt something place on my thigh. As I looked down I noticed it was Lucy's hand. Butterflies was all I could feel in my entire body.

I made eye contact with Lucy as she smirked widely at my expression. I was very blushed, to say the least. The girl I was actually obsessed with, who was currently sober had her hand on MY thigh.

As I slowly broke eye contact, Lucy and I were met with all the girls staring at us with knowing looks and quiet laughter at what they were witnessing enfold between their teammates. "Shut up" I waved them off as Lucy chuckled from beside me. I just shot her a playful glare, which made her only laugh more.

I acted to be offended but really, I loved that laugh. It was my favourite sound in the whole world, in fact that laugh was my whole world. I want Lucy to officially be my girlfriend. Maybe I would ask her tonight, if it all went well.

After a while, Lucy left to go get another round and it made me smile as she asked everyone what they wanted, except when she came to ask me she just smiled and went "the usual?". I nodded my head in reply as I watched Lucy disappear into the crowd at the bar.

A few minutes later, Lucy reappeared and took her seat again. I noticed that she looked a bit flushed when she sat down. Alex seemed to pick up on it aswell "everything okay Lucy?" she asked her friend as we all turned our attention to the right back.

"The girl who was serving at the bar kept touching me, it was so obvious. She is coming over here in a minute to bring our drinks over" Lucy answered, as my heart dropped. Lucy never said if she enjoyed the attention or not. What if she liked the woman?

Jill who was completely oblivious to the situation and smirked at Lucy "No wonder she did, I mean you are Lucy Bronze. You should ask her out Luce, I mean when was the last time you were on a date?"

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