Lucy Struggles with Dyslexia

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Lucy's POV

Ever since I was a child I have struggled with reading and writing. This was due to me being dyslexic so doing certain things was more difficult for me than others.

Being a footballer I thought I would never have to deal with the anxiety I had as a kid when I had to read and write.

That was the case for years. I hadn't had to do anything that involved reading or writing in front of other people in the years I have been a footballer.

That all changed today as we headed into our lionesses meeting with Sarina. She made us do a quiz on school knowledge such as spelling to see how well our brains were functioning. The aim was to improve our tactics and thinking on the pitch.

I am known around the squad for being football smart. I was one of the best at reading the game and I was appreciated by my teammates for being tactically smart.

I felt the anxiety I had as a kid rush back through me and the all too familiar butterflies in my stomach came back.

We were all given a notebook and I felt my breathing get heavier as Sarina said the first word we had do spell was claustrophobic.

I had absolutely no idea. I was sat at the front and I turned around to see everyone else scribbling down an answer as if they knew exactly how to spell it.

I hadn't told anyone in the squad about my dyslexia, it's not that I am ashamed of it but I don't want any extra help or special treatment. I was kind of regretting that decision right now.

The only person in the squad that knows I am dyslexic is Keira. She just figured it out herself when I struggle to read stuff at home. Keira helps me out all the time but there was nothing she could do right now.

I was scanning the room for my girlfriend when eventually I locked eyes with her as I realised she was sat at the very back of the room. I could tell she has been watching me for a while to see if I was doing okay.

I just shook my head as if to say I had no idea. I watched as Keira began to mouth how to spell the word but I didn't have my glasses on so I couldn't see which is also why I was right at the front. I just shrugged my shoulders to tell her there was no point.

Sarina then put a word on the board and we had to write down the definition. I again had no idea. I was looking down in defeat at my empty paper as everyone was again writing their answers.

I let out a sigh and I was surprised to see my girlfriend raised her hand and say "Sarina I am really sorry but I am struggling to see the board from back here, there is too many heads in my way. Can I please move to the front?".

I instantly knew what she was doing. She was purposely moving so that she could help me. I was the luckiest person in the whole world to have a partner who cares for me as much as Keira does.

I watched as Sarina nodded her head and Keira made her way to the front and into the seat next to me. Keira noticed how panicked I looked and she quickly realised my anxiety was through the roofs right now.

Keira discreetly put her hand on my knee and squeezed it to try and bring me some comfort. I was already starting to calm down as I knew Keira would help me.

I am very proud to say that Keira is a very academically smart person. She got an A at A level English so if there was anyone to help me right now it was her.

Keira discreetly turned her page towards me and I began scribbling down the answers. I was so thankful for Keira right now and I made sure I was going to tell her that later on.

The test carried on and I was copying all of Keira's answers. I was still slightly panicking inside because what if Sarina realised I cheated?

When the test ended Sarina collected all of the test papers in and marked each of them one by one. As she marked them she read out all of the scores.

Georgia got 78%, Leah got 86% and Jordan got 80%. I was really proud of Jordan actually because I knew she struggled as much as I did. When I turned to look at Jordan's reaction I realised she copied off Leah. At least I wasn't the only one.

Then Sarina read out Keira's score of 100%. I was super proud of Keira. I was not surprised she was the only one so far to get full marks and she deserved it. It just proves that Keira's vision is not the only thing Keira is smart at.

Then Sarina also revealed I got 98%, I purposely put one wrong because I knew Keira would get full marks and I wanted her to get all the glory. She had already done enough to help me.

Luckily all the squad passed so we were allowed to have the afternoon off. I spent this time to grab Keira and go on a walk together to spend time with her.

Once we were out the area I took Keira's hand in mine. We weren't allowed to show any sort of affection around camp so when we had time off to ourselves I always made sure that Keira knew she had my full attention.

"Thank you for today." I told Keira sincerely as I squeezed her hand. There was nobody I was more thankful for then her. Not just for today but Keira made my life so much better when she entered it six years ago.

"Of course Luce. I wasn't going to see you struggle, I hope you know that." Keira replied as she stopped to look at me and took my other hand in hers.

"Luce, being dyslexic doesn't make you any less of a person or footballer. I hope you know that." Keira told me looking straight into my eyes. It is almost like she can see my insecurities straight through me.

"I know but I thought it wouldn't be a problem for me after I left school. I never wanted to feel the anxiety again. I didn't think I would going into football." I told Keira. Honestly it felt good just to let it out and speak to someone and I knew Keira was my safe place and she was the best person for me to speak to.

"I know my lovely. We just take it day by day okay. If you want we can always tell Sarina that you struggle with reading and writing so she wouldn't make you do it anymore." Keira said with compassion written on her face.

"I don't think I want her to know. Not yet anyway, I will just spend more time at home trying to help myself instead of shying away from it. Do you think you could help me when your free?" I asked my girlfriend with a bit of hope in my voice.

"Okay Luce. I will always help you if you need it. That is what I am here for. I am so proud of you." Keira said as a little smile appeared on her face as I finally admitted I needed help.

"Thank you Kei. I love you." I said as I leaned in to kiss her.

Keira and I began to walk again just savouring each-others company. "I love you too Luce. More than you will ever know." Keira replied as I wrapped my arm around her waist and brought her close to me.

I love Keira for making me feel my insecurities fade away. She is my safe place and always will be.

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