Keira sick matchday -1

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Based off what was said on Jill's Podcast of Keira being sick before the Austria game in the Euros.

Keira's POV

It was the day before our home Euros opener. I was so excited, I couldn't wait to open up the tournament. The problem was when I woke up the day before the game I felt so ill.

I am not being dramatic but I honestly think this is the worst I have felt in my whole life. I can't breathe properly, I can't swallow right, my head was aching and I could barely talk. Oh no.

I was rooming alone so I rushed to the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face, trying to wake myself up. I looked at myself in the mirror. I look absolutely awful. If you could imagine someone looking dead who was very much alive that is how I look right now.

I got ready for the day knowing that I had a busy schedule today. I couldn't pull out. Not today. I headed down to breakfast where all my teammates already were.

I did not feel like eating at all so I walked over to my usual table and took the seat clearly for me next to my girlfriend. "Good morning Kei. How did you sleep?" I heard my girlfriend ask.

"Not great." I croaked out, my voice giving up on me. I saw my girlfriend turn to me in concern at the sound of my voice. I saw her eyes widen when she saw how sick I looked.

"Gosh Kei. Are you okay? You don't look well at all babe." Lucy told me as she examined my body clearly worried.

I realised Leah, Jordan and Georgia were now paying attention from the other side of the table as they caught on to the concern of Lucy's tone.

I tried to reply to my girlfriend but nothing of my voice came out. I just threw my body into the back of my chair defeated.

Lucy passed me her glass of water and ushered it into my hand "drink all of it please". Lucy gets very protective when I am not well. I think because it is the game tomorrow she is extra precautious.

The water helped luckily and I could speak again. Just. "Happy mum?" I jokingly asked my girlfriend as my friends at the table laughed.

"No I am not actually. You need to eat Kei." Lucy said as she pointed to the food. "I feel rubbish Luce. I don't want anything." I said honestly.

Lucy then stood up and offered me her hand. I looked at her confused before I took it and let her lead me. No surprise we ended up at the foods. "At least eat an apple or a banana Kei please. For me" Lucy said as she was clearly concerned.

I knew she wouldn't give in so I grabbed a banana and we sat back down at the table as I slowly picked at it. I made sure to eat all of it to please my girlfriend.

Then we had training. I was already struggling to breathe without doing any exercise so I had no idea how this was going to go.

We started off doing passes and I effortlessly pinged my passes to Lucy. I could feel my breathing get heavier and heavier. It was a bit concerning, I had no idea what was wrong with me.

Then we started running. I was doing a light gentle jog and I just couldn't. I couldn't breathe properly and I got called over to Sarina. "Keira you look awful. Please go get some rest so you can try play tomorrow." My manager instructed me.

I knew I needed the rest so I thanked Sarina and immediately went to my hotel room and collapsed on my bed. My head was pounding and I could barely breathe. The day before our first game of the most important competition of my life. Just my luck.

I slept for a while before I heard a key opening the door. I didn't even have the energy to turn and see who it was.

Lucy's POV

I was growing increasingly worried at the state my partner was in. I watched her get pulled over by Sarina and was clearly told to go rest. I was glad Keira was allowed to get some rest because I hadn't seen her this sick in a while.

Once training was done I heard Sarina call the team over to talk about tomorrow. "Lucy, what is the best way to get Keira able to be fit for tomorrow?" my manager asked me.

"She usually just sleeps when she is ill. I have to say I don't think anything will stop her from playing tomorrow though." I replied.

"Go stop off at medical and grab an oxygen mask to see if that helps and go check on her." I was told by Sarina.

I didn't need to be told twice. I immediately left for medical and grabbed the oxygen mask before pulling Keira's spare room key she gave me out of my phone case.

I let myself in to find Keira clearly waking up after sleeping. "Hi my love. How are you feeling" I asked as I walked over to her bed, lifted her head and placed it into my lap as I began to stroke her hair.

"Like shit." Keira mumbled into my lap. I looked down at her and couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

"I was instructed to give you this oxygen mask. It will probably help you to prepare for tomorrow." I said as I placed it onto her face, not really giving her an option to use it.

Keira just accepted and started breathing better with the help of the mask. I noticed after a while she fell back asleep so I used that time to promote the match tomorrow on all my social medias.

An hour later Keira woke up and she was almost hyperventilating. She was in a state of panic and was struggling to breathe.

"Hey. Hey. Keira you're okay. Look at me, match my breathing." I said as I took her hand in mine and placed hers over my heart so she could feel my breathing rate.

I watched as she started to calm down as she took the oxygen mask off her face. "Better?" I asked her, stressed out at the state Keira was in.

"I'm fine." Keira whispered as we realised we had to go downstairs for another team meeting.

It was decided that at the meeting Keira would be playing no matter her condition the next day. I was a bit concerned but I also knew if it was me I would be playing too so I respected Keira's choice.

That night I cleared it with Sarina to sleep in Keira's room with her. After how Keira woke up after her nap I wasn't taking any chances.

Luckily Keira slept soundly in my arms that night and woke up without an issue the next morning. Keira still felt awful and her head was banging but she didn't care. She was going to play.

I was lined up for the match behind Keira. I tapped her on the shoulder and whispered in her ear "how are you feeling." Keira turned around and said "Like death."

I was worried Keira would pass out or something during the match but I knew she wouldn't risk the rest of the tournament and she would ask to come off if she had to.

Sarina asked Keira if she could still play as she walked passed. The team let out a laugh as Keira was trying to convince everyone she was okay when she could barely talk. Typical.

The game started and you wouldn't even be able to tell that Keira was sick. She was unreal. It didn't stop her from using the oxygen mask at half time but to all the fans they wouldn't even know the state Keira was currently in.

Keira was very sick and still pulled of a player of the match worthy performance. Keira Walsh is an unbelievable player and I could not be prouder to be able to call her my girlfriend.

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