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Danielle's POV

I lean round the corner to see the herd. I count it twice. At least Fifteen. Me and Daryl nod to each other and take off. I step up to my first walker, swiping my claw through it skull, slicing half of it off.


I creep behind two walkers slamming my knife into the side of their heads at the same time. Daryl arrow pierces through another walker.


Another two come towards me as I swing my knifes around my fingers before raising them and stabbing them through their eyes. Daryl collects his arrows as he quickly reloads his crossbow before firing one into a walkers skull.


A mid sized woman walker comes towards me and I raise my claw up through her jaw as her mouth opens at me.


Then I struck my knife out sideways, driving my hunting knife through its skull.


The man beneath the car keeps screaming. Like dude, you ain't helping. Although he's yells were sounding more like pain and less like fear.

I kick the next walker back and it rebounds into another and takes it down with him. I sheath my claw quickly, pulling out another knife before stabbing them both.


There was a whack from behind me signalling Daryl whacked one.


One limps towards me and I kick its knee making it break taking it down to the ground. I slam my knife through its temple before it completely falls to the ground.


One comes behind me making whack my elbow into its jaw knocking it back. I spin round and ram my knife through its jaw.


I glance to my right seeing Daryl take down one as he pierces an arrow through its eye socket.


The last one comes at me fast taking me to the ground and I quickly stab my knife through its skull, landing it straight in the centre of its eyes.


"Please! Help me!" The man yells. I look over at the car and can see him huddled beneath it. I can no longer hear Daryl fighting but could still hear some snarls. At least a couple left.

There's a snarl from the side of the car as I look seeing a walker crawling towards the man. I've never thrown from the ground before. I grab one of my throwing and throw it but it bounces off the car just skimming the walker ear. Dammit.

The man scream again. "Please! Help me!" I pull out another knife and let it fly. It lands in the walkers skull stopping its movements.

I hear footsteps coming towards me. "Nelle." I look up seeing Daryl standing over me, leaning his hand towards me. I grab it and he pulls me up. "You good, baby?" He asks and I nod. "You good?" He just nods, squeezing my hand as I give his a squeeze in return.

I run to the man under the car. "You need to stop yelling. You're gonna get us killed. They're all gone now." How was he even out here if he's this hysterical? It didn't seem right that Aaron chose this man as a partner.

"I'm stuck." He motions to the car. "It's in park and the damn roamers shoved it backwards onto my ankle." There was more snarls and I look up seeing two walkers stumbling towards us. I jerk my chin at Daryl. He nods and moves to the front of the car.

The Walking Dead: Danielle GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now