156. A New Beginning

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Danielle's POV

A few months later.

"Stupid flipping bike." I mutter as I hear Daryl chuckle behind me. His arm wraps around my waist as he presses a kiss to the back of my neck. I wipe my hands on a cloth getting rid of the grease, sighing.

"Daryl. Dani." Laura comes over and whispers something to us making us both look at each other, an annoyed look on both of our faces.

We walk round to the crops field seeing to members of the sanctuary tying a walker to a giant X they made out of wood. "Hey. What the hell ya doing?" Daryl asks them.

"Scaring the birds away." Arat explains. Daryl raises his crossbow and aims it at the walkers head, firing the bolt straight through it. I glare at Justin as he looks me up and down.

"Sanctuary to Alexandria relay one, come in." Eugenes voice comes through on the walkie. I shake my head and follow Daryl as we walk away.

"These people never learn." I mutter. Daryl nods his head agreeing with me. "Ya tellin' me darlin."

"You hear me AR one?" Eugene asks. "Loud and clear, ponytail. What's up?" Tara's voice comes through. "Crops are done-zo at The Sanctuary. Time to go medieval on this problems ass, as it were." Eugene explains.

"We need more soil." I point out. Daryl nods grabbing my hand. "Yeah I know. Come on let's get going." He leads me over to our bikes.

He gets on his and starts it before I do the same with mine making sure my knives are secure. "Ready darlin?" He asks as he tries his bandana around his face. "More than ready baby." I reply revving my bike.

The City, here we come.


We make it into the city, passing Jerry on the way who gives me a salute in greeting as I do the same. We meet up with Rick and Michonne who are on theirs horses. I pass Jesus who smiles at me as I pass him making me smile back.

We all park out of the history museum we planned to go in and all climb off our horses and bikes. Me and Michonne climb to the front as Rick opens the door. She takes out one walker with her sword as I take out the other with my claw.

Michonne peeks inside the gap. "We're good for now. Sweep protocol when we get in." She whisper to me and Rick who nod agreeing with her. Rick pulls open the door fully and we all walk in being silent.

A walker that is stuck behind the welcome desk, growls as we walk past and Rick puts his hatchet through its head stopping it snarling at us.

We all walk into the centre just gazing around when Rick speaks up. "Y'all got your lists. Circle back here when you're done. Be safe." He says looking at everyone of us.

I follow behind Daryl to where a big set of marble stairs are. I stab a walker that's on the ground beneath me before I walk across the glass flooring that is beneath me. Maggie and Michonne follow carefully behind me as they look down at the walkers underneath.

I hear cracking and turn round in time to see a walker falling from one of the higher levels and land straight onto a spike but not killing it. Daryl glances at all of us before he raises his crossbow and shoots it, landing a bolt into the centre of its forehead.

"Onward. We'll figure it out." Ezekiel mutters as me and Daryl begin to walk away already.

Me, Daryl and Cynthia all make it to the second level and I stop looking at some art work that's on the wall. Cynthia walks past me as Daryl stops next to me.

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