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When Dan returned to the villa, his eyes were slightly fluctuating. It wasn't the female father who went to pick him up from training camp today.

 When he first came out, he saw the figure of the male worm. Dan covered up the joy in his heart, and tried to show a sensible look... But, the female father was not by the male father's side?

 This made the cubs feel a little worried. It is common for the favored female servant to be allowed by the male master to come and pick up the cubs, while those who are not favored are not even qualified to stand and watch from a distance.

 While Dan was excited about being valued by the male father, he also secretly prayed that the female father would be fine.

 He picked up some less bloody things he saw and heard in the training camp, and told his father that although the cub was talking to himself most of the time along the way, when he occasionally raised his eyes to look at his father, he would not Will be ignored like before... A little joy and expectation rose in Tan's heart, and he tried his best to use his achievements to show that he is a cub worthy of training and not needing to be discarded!

 It was already noon when Mi stood up from the bed. At this time, the cub should have been waiting outside the training camp, and had been standing for a long time. After he regained consciousness, he quickly changed into his clothes, regardless of being stuffed underneath. It took all his strength to restrain the outflow, so Mi washed his face to make his expression more sober.

 But the remaining water marks on the eyebrows and the thin red lips showed the traces left by the male insects last night.

 Went down to the living room, the male was not in the villa, maybe he had gone out for something, the female put on her military boots, opened the door, but saw the male and the cute cubs following behind.

 "Xiong Lord, have you gone to pick up Dan and come back?" Mi was a little unbelievable, he thought that male worms would not bother to do such things, as long as they could show respect at home, it would be a good thing, Mi felt unbelievable , he slightly bent his lips, did not continue to hide the joy in his heart, and said, "Thank you."

 Then he saw the male worm just glanced over, and said, "There is no need to use honorifics."

 "...The hero, This is the rule." Mi was slightly taken aback, and could not help subconsciously replying.

 Then I found that the male master frowned slightly, and said, "The rules of the female emperor?"

 Only then did Mi realize that he is no longer a female servant! He was speechless for a moment, he didn't understand the rules of female monarchs!

 Documents and entries that have never been touched before, naturally have no clue now, and the female feels a little embarrassed. As a female servant, she should be familiar with the female servant's rules and try her best to follow them, but no female servant has ever reviewed the female ruler's rules in advance ...

 Basically, it is rare for a female attendant to become a regular. After the four great families, they are not worried that there will be no females to marry in. If they want a female king, they will marry directly, or they will choose the target Zerg from the beginning. For the position of female emperor, so as not to have a probationary period for female servants?

 After only one meal, Dan keenly noticed the subtle changes between the male father and the female father. He couldn't tell the specific manifestations, but he could feel that there was more interaction between the parents. .

 For example, when the female father bowed his head and admitted his mistake with a reddish complexion, the male father no longer showed disgust and disdain, but a little... ridicule?

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