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"I'm not having this argument again y/n. I can't do it, I can't bring a child into this world knowing what it's like, with the things I've done" your eyes fill with tears as he talks.

"So that's it. Only you get a say in this. I don't get to be part of the decision at all?" he shakes his head.

"No baby, you don't" you nod as the tears stream down your face

"Fine" you head for the wardrobe and pull out a bag and start stuffing clothes in it.

"What are you doing?" Bucky tries to take the bag from you, but you shove him back.

"I'm leaving" you grab some shoes and pull them on before going to the bathroom, your arm sweeping everything off the shelf into the bag.

"What? No baby please" he grabs the bag again.

"Let go Bucky" he shakes his head.

"You can't leave me y/n" you snort.

"I can't stay. You don't want to progress our relationship Bucky and I refuse to be stuck as a perpetual girlfriend forever" you yank the bag away and throw in a few more bits.

"Y/n, please" he tries again.

"I hope you find happiness with someone else one day Bucky" you pull the apartment key off your ring and toss it at him.

"I'm just sorry it wasn't me" you nod and wipe some tears.

"y/n" you hear him whisper as you close the door.

You walk down the street, tears running fast as you hurry for a taxi. You needed to leave, you couldn't stay with him anymore. He wouldn't even discuss a future, a child, a life ahead. You understood why he felt that way, but he never tried to understand your side. He knew you longed for a family, ever since you were friends he knew, had told you how much of a good mother you would be. He had let you believe you would have it with him someday and that's what hurt the most at the moment, three years, three years he lead you on, letting you believe his lie of a future. Three years waisted.

Your taxi pulls up to the tower, you lug your bag in and up to your old room. Dumping it and crawling onto your bed, you sob for the time wasted, for the life you could have had, for him breaking your heart. It doesn't take long for you to cry yourself out into sleep.

You groan when you wake the next morning, your body stiff and face sore from the crying. You pull yourself into the shower and cry some more, scrubbing at the tears that won't stop. You finally stop long enough to get out and dry off, dressing in sweats and a t-shirt. You pad along to the kitchen, hitting the button on the coffee machine. You sigh and sit at the breakfast bar, everybody else would be up soon and then the questions would start.

"y/n? what are you doing here?" Wanda smiles until she sees your face.

She gasps and runs to you, her arms sweeping you up. It starts the tears off again as you hold on desperately to your friend, she strokes your hair and waits for you to tell her.

"I left him Wanda, I couldn't stay any more" she nods and sits beside you.

"What happened?" you explain, all the hurt at what had happened, his reasons and yours.

"I was really happy" you whisper through the last wave of tears.

She hugs you again, squeezing you tight, letting you know she would be there for you.

"What's going on?" Steve asks, when he walks in.

He hurries to your side but you pull away, he would run straight to Bucky once he found out. And you couldn't deal with Captain Morality right now, not when you knew he would agree with his best friend.

Bucky One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now