The Game Of Lust - Bucky/Steve

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You kick out and Bucky flies back with a grunt. He chuckles as he rolls over and gets to his feet.

"That was good sweetheart" he wipes his chin and winks.

He loved trying to fluster you, it was a game of lust to him. A game you had been considering losing for some time now. Bucky was fun to flirt with, his small touches and winks always set your blood boiling. The way he looked at you like he could eat you up. But neither of you had pushed that boundary yet, you're friends. Good friends. And as much as you would give your left leg to have him, you would never admit it out loud. And neither would he. The game of lust was a tormenting thrill that you inflicted on each other daily.

But could either of you ever let go enough to go through with it? Let the friendship go and move on to something better. You were both nervous, both unwilling to take that last step.

"But it could be better" He grins and runs at you.

You manage to dodge his attack, rolling to the side and getting to your feet quickly. He grins and tries again, this time snagging you around the waits. You roll across the floor and grunt when he lands on top of you.

"See?" his brows go up and you snort.

"Get the hell off me Barnes" you grunt and squirm.

"Say please" he leans in closer, his eyes flickering all over your face.

"Like hell, I will" he grins at your resistance.

"Then get out of it yourself" he pins you down harder.

You watch as he tries to gauge what you will do, his muscles ready to react to any movement. You huff and roll your eyes, when he leans back down to gloat, like you knew he would, you head butt him. He groans, his hands letting you go.

You shove him off and laugh when he rubs his face. You rub your forehead, Bucky has a head like an anvil.

"Damn, I didn't think it would hurt that much" you can feel a lump forming.

"Let me have a look" he holds his hands up but you shake your head.

"I'm fine" You wander over to where you dumped your water bottle next to the wall.

"Just let me look at it. I won't touch it" Bucky follows you.

"I'm fine Bucky" You chug some water, but he still steps in close.

When you try to step away, your back hits the wall. Bucky grips your head, turning it to see the lump. You grimace when he rubs it gently. You are shocked when he leans in a kisses it.

"All better" he grins.

He still holds your face, his grin dropping slowly as he realises how close to you he is. Your eyes dart to his lips and back to his eyes.

"Sweetheart" Bucky murmurs, his lips getting dangerously close to yours.

When they press down, he wastes no time in pushing his tongue in. He groans and the kiss gets faster. You're pressed into the wall as his hands wander all over you, you grip at his hair, keeping him on your mouth. But you both need air, he pulls back with a gasp. His hand now stroking your cheek.

You blink, Bucky just watches you try to breathe. When your eyes show a spark he kisses you again, his lips are so soft and he tastes like cinnamon. You groan and press into him, you knew he would be a good kisser. He had to be with how many dates he went on. You wrench your lips away.

"Wait" you both pant heavily.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"We shouldn't be doing this" You push at him but he won't move.

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