The Clean Up

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You look up at the ceiling, pretending to not notice the hot guy who got in after you. He's a bit of a mess but definitely hot under all that hair, you can see bright blue eyes and stubble. His clothes are clean but well used and his shoes look like he's ran a marathon in them. You hear him cough nervously and shuffle about a bit. He had a box in his arms that he was holding on tightly too.

When the doors open, you both go to step out at the same time. He smiles shyly and steps back, letting you through.

"Thanks" you smile back and he nods.

Who knew gentlemen still existed today. He follows you down the corridor and surprisingly he stops when you do, but at the door opposite. You look over your shoulder and smile again. You finally had a neighbour, there had been no one in that apartment since you got here and you were the only one at this end of the corridor.

You look through the peep hole when your door closes, he had nice wide shoulders as well. You huff a laugh at yourself and shake your head, you need to let the poor man move in first before even thinking of chatting him up.

Bucky grins, he can see your shadow at the door still. You both obviously had looked through the peep hole at each other. You were beautiful, long legs in a skirt that seemed to have flour on it and your hair tied up high with more flour dotted around your face. You smelled like cinnamon sugar and plums, it made his mouth water.

Maybe living here wouldn't be so bad after all, he hadn't chosen it. He had been put there by the government to see if he could acclimatise to the world around him. He didn't believe for one second that he wasn't going to be observed from time to time and he didn't blame them. It didn't feel good though but he had little choice in the matter either way.

But it was nice having his own place, somewhere he could actually call home. Not that he had anything to put in the apartment, except for the box he carried he didn't own anything. He didn't even know how he would wash his clothes, the machines were in the basement and he didn't have another set yet. He supposed he could clean them in the bathtub for now. But he had to wait for his money to come through. Apparently he had back pay coming to him, which he hadn't expected but at least it would help.

For now he needed food, he had been sent on his way with the box and a few hundred dollars and the key to his apartment. He drops the box and heads back for the door, his stomach was calling out to be fed.


Your brows shoot up when there's a knock at the door. You're even more surprised when you open it and the new tenant is there looking sheepish.

"Hi" you say with a smile.

"Uh, hi. I, um, can I ask you a favour?" he looks really nervous but you nod.

"Sure, are you okay?" he nods and smiles.

"Yeah. I just. This is going to sound stupid but I don't have any cutlery or plates, or anything else really. And I was wondering if I could... borrow some, please" he smiles and looks down, a cute blush covering his face.

"Of course, hold on I'll get you some" you leave the door open and head for the kitchen.

You stack up a couple of plates in different sizes, some bowls, cups and grab a handful of cutlery for him. When you carry them back his brows go up in shock, he chuckles and looks at you.

"Thats more than I need" he takes the pile from your arms.

"I just wanted to cover all the bases for you. Do you need anything else? I have some ingredients and vegetables that I haven't used yet. I think I even have a steak in the freezer" you watch as his smile gets brighter.

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