Arena Of Death 5

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There was still no sign of Shondra, you and Bucky had crept around the place carefully and quietly but she didn't seem to be in the building at all. The good news was that you had found more food and a crowbar for Bucky to use on the wood panel. You both ate on your way back up to the roof, it was just jerky but it tasted better than the breakfast bars.

"I can't wait to get out of here" you grumble up the last flight of steps.

"You and me both doll" Bucky pushes the door open and checks that no one had come up while you were both gone.

You both head for the spot where you saw the panel moving, you grin when you can see a stream of light coming from a crack in it now.

"Let's go sweetheart, climb on" he turns and you jump on his back.

You concentrate and lift Bucky, it was easier lifting him as he took your weight. You get closer with a smile until something wizzes past your head. Your flight falters when you see Shondra aiming a gun again. Bucky's arm flies out and deflects the bullet.

"You need to move faster sweetheart" he growls as another bullet pings away.

"I'm trying" you grit out, you manage a bit more speed but not before Bucky grunts.

You see blood leaking from his leg, fucking Shondra had aimed lower and had clipped him.

"Fuck" you push harder, gaining more speed.

"We're gonna hit the ceiling, brace yourself" you hold your hands up as you bounce off.

"Damn it" you shakes away the dizziness.

"Here" you hand Bucky the crowbar and he starts to pry at the board.

More shots ring around you both, some getting closer than others. When you look down, your eyes widen.

"Holy shit!" you push everything into your powers and fly backwards as a rocket launcher is shot at you and Bucky.

You cough and sputter as debris falls around you, the rocket had hit where you were digging at. Bucky squeezes your leg and you pat his shoulder.

"I'm okay, are you?" he coughs and nods.

"Yeah, it's lucky you saw that coming" you drift back over the now giant hole in the wood panelling.

Your heart sinks at the sight of metal plates but Bucky digs the crowbar in and starts pulling. A plate falls away and he digs at another, as he pulls more and more off, you can see wires and vents. Another plate drops off and finally a whole appears, you grab the edges to look over.

"I see lights, it looks like a room" Bucky nods as you float up.

Once high enough you both scramble in, crawling along until the room opens up. Bucky lands with a grunt, wincing at his shot leg.

"Here" you tear a strip off your shirt and tie it tight to him.

He grunts again but the blood stops leaking. He grips your chin and makes you look at him, his other hand holding your injury.

"Are you okay?" he asks and you nod.

"Aching a bit but I'm good" he nods and pulls out his gun.

You do the same and head for the door, when he opens it there's silence. A dark corridor with a few doors line the way.

"To much to hope that an exit sign leads the way out of hear" you grumble.

Bucky opens the next door, supplies and boxes litter the room. At least you had a better gun now. Bucky smirks when you cock the AK-47. You head for the next room, you could hear talking this time and Bucky enters silently. Two men sat watching cameras of the facility below, they bark into radios now and again. It seemed the other people where fighting back now, your eyes widen as you see them die. The taken ones, the missing, they weren't fighters but they were trying. A few of the killers lay sprawled on the ground, or overrun and fleeing.

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