Baby 3

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Bucky wasn't waiting when you got off the jet, you weren't sure if that was a good thing or not. Even though you had broken up with him, you did still love him. And you had honestly thought he would be here, if only just to see you were alive and well.

"Lets go, it's been a long journey" Wanda smiles and leads you to the elevator.

"You thought he would be there?" she asks and you nod.

"Yeah" you sigh.

"It doesn't matter. I'll see him later and tell him then" Wanda nods as the doors open.

"I'll see you in a bit" you smile.

You trudge back to your room, just wanting a shower and to collapse on your bed. You were only two months pregnant but you already felt tired from small activities. Your stomach growls, making you laugh. Your appetite had went right up as well, you kept wanting meat. You could really go for a big burger right about now.

"Ooh with fries" you mutter as you close your door.

"Hungry doll?" you jump and spin.

Bucky was sat by your make-up desk, elbows on his knees. His eyes soft as he looked you over.

"What?" your brain was frazzled from him being here.

"I would have thought T'Challa had taken better care of you" he stands up and steps near you.

"He did, he was a very gracious host" you drop your bag and fold your arms.

"What are you doing in here?" he looks so tired, there's shadows under his eyes.

"I wanted to see you" he reaches out and takes your hand.

"I missed you so much baby" he kisses your fingers.

"That's your own fault Bucky" he nods and creeps closer.

"I know. And I'm...I'm so sorry. For everything" his other hand moves for your face, knuckles running over your cheek.

"I love you, so much. I never meant for any of this to happen" you nod at him.

"You should have told me the truth. You knew how much I wanted a family and you let me cling to that dream with you. Letting me believe it could happen some day" tears fall down your face.

"I know. I just couldn't bare to let you go. You are everything that is right with me, I needed you" you shake your head and snort at his words.

"Bucky" you step out of his hands but he follows you.

"We can do it, I'll...we can have a baby. I just want you back" you frown.

"You want a baby? To keep me? Are you serious?" he nods, breaking your heart a bit more.

"Bucky I want you to want a baby. A life and a real family. Not just so you can have me" you shove him away.

"I thought" you shake your head.

"Get out, I can't stand to look at you" his mouth opens and closes.

He would have a baby with you just to get you back, that hurt more than not wanting it at all. Your tears start again as he watches you.

"I love you" he says and tries again.

"Those are not magic words, they do not make everything better" you growl at him.

"You either want a family with me. Or you don't. So which is it?" his eyes dart around your face.

"I...I" he hangs his head.

"I need to go" you nod at him.

"That would be best" he walks for the door, stopping before he opens it.

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