the anticipation

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(sorry guys for not posting for quite a long time but i do have my own issues.i love you all so much and there's no way we've already hit 207k readers. it feels like it's only been two weeks since i hit 100k. i don't think anyone could truly understand how grateful i am for you guys. you guys are the people that make me feel most appreciated in life. the effort i put in this is equal to the amount of love i receive. everyone comment , vote or message i get on here makes me feel so happy. so happy that you guys feel as though you can talk to me. i'm here for you at any time i'll try my hardest to reply. and it's not that i can't because i'm overwhelmed but it's that when i get actually messages on here i don't get notifications so sometimes i forget about them. i've been dealing with my own stuff and don't get me wrong i still am and that's part of the reason why i haven't been updating and i'm so so sorry. people asking where i've been and if last chapter was the last ever chapter of this book and i'm just going to clear things up. no , the last chapter wasn't the last ever chapter of this book. i'm thinking of also starting another book but i'm not too sure if you guys would be interested in that? if just had a mini break but i'm still going to try and upload. i've been and will be bombarded with things in the next months so it will be hard to update but i promise i'll try my hardest. i hope each and everyone of you guys are doing okay and if not please text me or anyone who you can trust. if you ever need anything , any advice or whatever i'm here for you. also losing motivation plays a big part of not writing and uploading , i hope you guys can understand. you guys deserve the ultimate best on the world and i hope it comes to you!)

Anja decided that life was too short and got back together with tom.

Anja felt so happy to finally be home there was such a relief for some reason not having to break sebastian's heart i mean he did that one to himself. She got lucky this time and promised herself that she wouldn't ever do that to someone again.

She would always call the kaulitz house her home because it felt like a comfort place that she could turn too.

She was still sick and was very concerned.

Nobody was at home so she saw this as an opportunity to go to the pharmacy and buy a pregnancy test. I mean what's the worse that could go wrong? It was definitely better to be safe than sorry. Although if she was pregnant it would mean a lot of things and she was scared.

She was going to be strategic and avoid the paparazzi because imagine if she went to the pharmacy and bought it but as she was buying the test pictures of her got uploaded and tom was to see that before she would even say anything , it would just be mayhem! She told mina and made her swear to secrecy about what was going on so minas friend could buy the stuff for her.

Mina was excited but also scared for her sister. She wasn't sure if she was able to raise a kid , especially with tom. They were both famous and had a lot going on in their lives.

If anja was pregnant the whole dynamics could change. She still wanted to try modelling , you know some life experience and she still had music out to release.

But seeing as she had nothing to do today , she had a friend that worked in modelling so she reached out to him and he invited her over for a shoot.

She decided to bring alie with her so they could do it together.

They both dressed up in very basic clothes as they would get changed at the shoot.

Both anja and alies features were unique so it was perfect!

Once they arrived , they were greeted by coffee and anjas friend jamila. Jamila explained that the photo shoot was for two different brands. One was makeup and the other was lingerie. The two girls got their sizes measured so they would be able to know what clothes they were able to wear and what could be tailor made for them quickly.

First , it was the makeup brand. One person was working on anja and the other was working on alie.

Anjas look was based on the colour blue.

Alies look was based on the colour purple.

Something to enhance both their features and their eye colours.

Once everything was ready , they started the shoot!

Words of motivations were being thrown at them as they tried all sorts of poses and expressions. They really were good at modelling. Bill was right.

Jamila was extremely impressed with the pair and couldn't wait for the lingerie shoot. Just above half an hour later , Jamilas co worker andrew was reviewing the photos. Jamila picked out the ones she liked best and put the rest aside.

Now it was time for the lingerie shoot!

Anja had three different outfits for this one. The colours were emerald green , black and navy blue.

Alie also had three different outfits. The colours were burgundy , red and a light blue/grey.

Their hair was done as blow outs and their makeup was quite natural but also had eyeliner.

A couple of hours later they were finished with the whole thing. Jamila said that she would email them all of the photos and also asked them if it was okay to send to other modelling agencies or brands. Of course they agreed and anja gave jamila both of their details to send along with the pictures.

Anja bought alie a taxi home.

She was still dreading that pregnancy test , and she specially told mina to hide it well so nobody would see it until she got home.

Going to her car , she received a phone call from tom. For a minute she was nervous about what he had to say but discovered that he was only checking up on her.

At the moment she wasn't feeling as sick as she was for the whole day but those camera lights definitely gave her a raging headache.

She drove home and played the radio but on the way she got herself an iced coffee.

Once she got to the kaulitz house she was surprised that bill answered the door. She didn't know that they would be in.

She was exhausted and being sick didn't help with that at all so her and tom chilled in his bed for a while just talking and cuddling.

Her mind was racing with whether she should take the test now or later or ever?! She had to take it today whether she liked it or not and mina would remind her of that.

Right now she's made a plan , she would wait until everyone in the house would fall asleep so she could be alone. Once they fell asleep she would take the test and she will tell everyone in the morning.

She knew tom would be a bit upset but she didn't want to be stressing anyone.

Although she was debating whether to tell bill or not but she didn't want to incase he would've told his brother or accidentally say something. She also didn't want tom to be left out.

A couple of hours later , tom was finally asleep.

She creeped downstairs to make sure that bill was too.

Thank god that he was.

She headed back upstairs and into the bathroom. Mina said that she hid it in the top left cupboard behind some random boxes. Anja found it. She was a bit shaken and anxious. She didn't know whether she wanted it to come out as positive or negative.

Sitting down on the toilet , she unboxed it and did what the instructions said to do. She sat down on the toilet floor.

She couldn't stop moving at how nervous she was. Jumping out from the floor , she thought she heard someone wake up she was that paranoid. The anticipation was building up.

The test said to wait 3 minutes she put it on top of the counter and waited.

hahahah i hope you enjoyed. i'll answered last chapter comments tmrw i'm so tired bro i've been having headaches every single day.

xoxo author💋.

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