Chapter 2: Distant Emergence

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Planet Dracoria / Midday / Verax's dreams

I was sleeping then im seeing some vision of a beautiful White Dragon as she is looking at me, but the weirdest part is i was on a cavern somewhere around and i see here just starring at me.

Verax: Who are you??

White Dragon: (Still looking at him whithout saying anything)

Verax: I asked you a question! who are you??

White Dragon: (Still looking at him)

Then voices can be heard talking around me but she wasn't talking.

"She is the future queen..... the light and salvation of our world.... Dragon and Human will unite under her splendor and her beauty..... no evil will ever dare to fight her and thus..... she will rule our world.... The dragon will never be born on this world and neither it will.... The emergence of the white dragon is coming, once it arrives all people will kneel before it."

I woke up but it was the weirdest dream i ever had as i had no idea who that white dragon was. but it has white hair running from the horns and all the way to tail tip and all her scales are white as snow, it has four horns two on each side of the head and it was at least the same size as i am but somewhat a little bit small.

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