Chapter 50: Firewall Ambush

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Plains outside from Firewall Borders / Midday / Ambush.

The dragons are surrounding us and the went after our people.

King Verax: Defend our People!!!

Krex: (Took off and proceed to fight off one who is attacking civilians) Citizens!! Take cover!!

Xileth: (Fighting position) You think you can save them!!!

Krex: Lets get this over with!! (He charged at him they are clashing)

It was a fight between High Elves and now Firewall, meanwhile the Elves are now appearing in small numbers as they have lost lots of soldiers. Several Gladiator Dragons went to defend the horde of our people and some engaging the dragons in air combat.

King Verax: (Breath attacking and pursuing one) Get back here you fool!!! (Breath attacking him and killed him) Gladiators!! Protect our civilians!!

Silah: (Flying close to him) They are on it my King!!! (Pursuing one of the dragons)

Then we heard a loud roar and I do not recognize that one.

King Verax: Someone is coming!!

Syleth: (Flying close to Verax) Verax.... I know that roar...

King Verax: Then who it is!?

Syleth: We got a huge problem... Is my father!!

King Verax: What!?

Varath: Syleth are you--!?

King Draco: (In the distance) Daughter!!!!

Ashley: Oh no! this is not good!

Sarah: We might gonna die...

King Verax: (Looks from one direction and sees Draco gliding in the distance with at least 20 dragons with him) This cant be....

Syleth: We must run!! Get the people safe!!

Ashley: (Hearing everyone screaming in terror as Draco approaches) This might be our end Sarah!

Sarah: Dammit!! Use your Barrett!!

Ashley: It wont work on him remember!!

Sarah: Gods!! I forgot!! At least try!

King Draco: (Hovering above and he in his massive beast) Well....Well... look what we have here!! A potential Rival and my traitorous daughter, getting my slaves out of my Kingdom?? (Evil laugh) There wont be escape for them now! (He went and started burning a large section of the environment and he is making a wall of fire encircling all the humans around and everyone else)

All of us are trap even the Elves are too but many of them are being burned by his own dragons. People are screaming in terror from what is going on but mostly from Draco.

King Verax: (ANGRY GROWL) You are not going to take them all!!! These humans are now my People!!!

King Draco: Well! If you so wishes take my humans away from us then you must fight me now!!

Syleth: Verax! Don't!

King Verax: (Angry) Fighting against your tyranny!! Why are you doing this Draco!!

King Draco: Because WE are the rulers of Dracoria!! We are far superior than Humanity!! You think I will not notice you took my Slaves on Dawn City and many other settlements!?! Once i kill you and Ashley I will go and look for your pathetic kingdom and Burn everything there! What is it called?? Virandas Kingdom?? Placed somewhere in the Southern Islets??

King Verax: (Growling angry)

King Draco: Ah! So it is on Southern Islet then!! After this I shall invade that placAAAGH!!! (He got shot by Ashley's Barrett)

Ashley: ENGAGE HIM!!! (FIRED!!!!! FIRED!!!!! FIRED!!!!! FIRED!!!! FIRED!!!!!!)

Syleth: (BATTLECRY ROAR!!!!)

King Verax: (BATTLECRY ROAR!!!! And charged at him)

Me and Syleth we went and fight him together in the air while Ashley continues carefully firing her Barrett but then other dragons went at her to kill her and many Gladiator Dragons went to defend her.

Syleth: (Tackled Him) You are no longer the father I knew!!! (Breath attacking him)

King Draco: (Not doing damage from her breath attack) (Evil Laugh) Aahahahahaa!!! Your Fire is not doing anything on me!! (Grabs her and throw her away in the air as she struggles)

King Verax: Syleth!!! You stupid idiot!! (Went and started clashing him in the air)

King Draco: (Grabs by his neck) You know I could kill you right now Verax... but I want my fight to last longer! (He throws him away and crashed in the grass)

Ashley: VERAX!!! (She proceed to run fast to check on him)

I proceed to stand up struggling to get up and she was there.

King Verax: Ashley im alright! Me and Syleth we will handle this!

King Draco: (Hovering flapping his wing still) Come on Verax and Syleth!!! Im not done with you both!!!

Syleth: (Getting up hurt) Agk!!... (Looks at him) We must do this Verax.... Together!

King Verax: (ROARED!!!!)

We both lunge to him and together we were clashing him. As for Krex he was doing pretty well against Xileth.

Krex: (Charged in four and head butted him and Xileth got knockback and collapses) Get up!!

Xileth: (Badly injured) You know I wont fight you anymore because my own king will deal with the rest of you!

King Draco: (Using a dark ability and a dark orb appeared in between of his horns and exploded in a shockwave everywhere and all the dragons from Virandas got knocked down and all crashed)

Ashley: NO!!

Sarah: KREX!! (She went but got blocked by Xileth)

Xileth: (Landed in front of Sarah) Im afraid your love is going to die soon!!

We are all grounded and the other 20 dragons are still there watching waiting for Draco's orders

King Draco: (Landed) Xileth step aside.... Ill deal with this.

Xileth: (Stepping aside) As you wish my great lord! (Bowed)

King Draco: (Walking to Sarah and Ashley as she has her Barrett aiming at him) But look what we have here.... Two best friends fighting side by side!

Ashley: (Aims Barrett)

King Draco: You know I cannot be killed by Kinetic weapon right.... Now that I might have the chance to invade Earth and knowing all your Humanity there use Kinetic weaponry! Believe me it will be an easy invasion!

Ashley: You wont invade Earth because the portal is close! And plus if you dragons manage to invade my world, Humanity will find many ways to kill you all!!

King Draco: You think! These powers may grant me access to enter your world! But first I need to end something in this world. (Ability charging in his hand claw and he slammed his claw to the ground and the shockwave hit both Sara and Ashley as they are knocked down injured)

King Verax: (Struggling to keep up and completely collapsed) No! Ashley!!

Krex: (Hurt badly) Sarah....!

Syleth: (Grounded) Father! You cant do this!

King Draco: Yes I can Syleth!

He continues walking menacingly to Ashley as she is badly hurt and people tensed up as they don'tknow what to do and they are crying in fear but while Ashley is grounded she is hearing more voices....


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