Chapter 29: Project Genesis

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Southern Islets / Morning / New Adventure

It was morning and I see Varath and Mirnevir giving tasks to our humans and they started making plans for the first houses and I also see Silah with her son as he his chopping large logs, even being a twelve years old he actually is very productive and behave mostly like a teenager rather than childish. Unlike most kids he is very productive. I raised my head and look down in my arms and Ashley is still sleeping there peacefully, I proceed to put my face close to her.

King Verax: (Low tone in her ears) Still sleeping?

Ashley: (Waking up) I hate when you do that!

King Verax: Come on, we got work to do. Lets bring this artifact to that facility.

Ashley: Oh right! I forgot!

King Verax: We might as well bring Krex and Sarah, which reminds me.. (Looks on his back and sees Krex in the distance still sleeping) Lets wake him up.

Ashley: (Stood up and so he did) Lets see what these two are doing.

Me and her we walked towards Krex as he was sleeping on his side, and he has his crimson wings covering around him like using it as a blanket and his tail curling around him while still resting on the sand. We are closing in and we heard his draconic snore, but we don't see Sarah.

Ashley: (Arms crossed and trying not to laugh) Oh but what a beautiful sleepy fire dragon!!.....(Still sleeping) Krex!!

Krex: (Waking up slowly) Mmmmm.... (Looks at them still sleepy) What....?

King Verax: (Draconic laugh) You love to sleep aren't you!!

Krex: I mean we dragons tend to sleep a lot.... Can I rest a little bit more?

Ashley: We are going to return the artifact now! you might want to come with us and also.... Wheres Sarah??

Krex: Shes here!

King Verax: (Looking around) Where? I don't see her...

Krex: Guys.... Shes here with me, look. (He opens his wings and he is holding her with his arms on his chest and by his yellow scales, she is still sleeping)

Ashley: Oh my gosh!! That's adorable!!

Sarah: (Waking up and mad) Love! Get your wings back in here!!

Krex: (Looks at her) They want us to be awake. We are going to return the artifact.

Sarah: Really!?

Ashley: We are! Come on lets get ready.

Sarah: (Sighed) Ugh! I love to sleep in this way!

Krex: You felt safer right!

Sarah: Safer and warm! im going to stand now.

Krex: (Gently letting her go) There you go.

Sarah: (Standing up) Well im going to eat before we go.

Ashley: Same here...

Krex: Ill be out hunting something.

Sarah: Don't go far away alright.

Krex: I wont...... (He took off and flied away to hunt something to eat)

King Verax: Our people is now preparing the first settlements here. I want to see how many people we can freed from Firewall.

Ashley: I hope we find more people soon.

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