Chapter 9: A New Town

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Firewall Kingdom / Wilderness / Evening / Sidney Village

Ashley continues walking to the strange path and it leads to one of the villages we control but it was unprotected by us. She sees lots of houses and several buildings and lots of people walking around as they are all Humans but theres no dragon guardian watching the place. Then one of the villagers approached her.

Villager: Who are you??

Ashley: Im Ashley and ive just arrived I need some place to stay.

Villager: Well you can stay in the inns but you need to pay for its rent! Do you have gold?

Ashley: PFFFT!! I just arrived here from another world and you tell me the currency here is gold? I don't have gold.

Villager: (Confused) Huh?? Well if you don't have gold then I don't know.

Ashley: Look, I just arrived from another world im an alien in here and I do not have gold or anything!

Villager: I think you are crazy! Did you hit your head or something?

Ashley: (SIGHTED!!!) AUUGHH!! Seriously! Ive came from a whole walk! Where I can rest??

Villager 2: Sir she can come with us!

Villager: Fine! She wants to help you... go ahead...

Ashley: Thank you!

Villager 2: Come follow me!

She was guiding her towards her home.

Villager 2: So whats your name? I never seen a face like that in here and especially that type of clothing!

Ashley: My name is Ashley and you are?

Amilda: Im Amilda! Ive just came here to see my mother! Come enter!

She opened her door for her and Ashley entered.

Amilda: Make yourself feel at home! You can put your things on that table and I don't know what you are even carrying.

Ashley: American Satisfaction!!

Amilda: Ame...What!?

Ashley: Its my own weapons ive brought from my own world as ive arrived here... Im an outsider from Dracoria.

Amilda: Huh?? Are you drunk of something?

Ashley: That's the thing... I know you all won't believe me.

Amalda: Darling what we have in here?

Amilda: Mother is someone that needs a place to rest! Her name is Ashley and she just came to our town!

Amalda: Ah! Good to see you! You look way too different than us! Where are you from?

Ashley: Im from Earth and you all are Dracorians....

Long awkward silence..

Amalda: Earth......? Whats that?

Ashley: My world....

Amilda: Wait are you not joking!? Are you really an alien??

Ashley: Yeah! Im not kidding!! Ive just arrived to this word by using the portal of those hills back there.

Amalda: The Eye!?

Ashley: The Eye?

Amalda: The Eye! Is the weird ring structure on top of a hill! Did you come from there!?

Dracoria: A New World (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now