Chapter 47: Alliance

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Southern Islet / Morning / 7 Months later

Its been 7 months so far and my Kingdom is bigger than ever as im now receiving more humas from other provinces and im also getting Drakes who wishes to join us. We are now in the process in building our own citadel and magic is helping a lot in its construction. Now population has increased to 7 thousand so far and more Im expecting to come here. I was with Ashley on the central Islet walking around and greet our people and this day we got a surprise visit.

Varath: (In his human form walking with Mara and heading to them) My king and Ashley!

King Verax: (Turn to look at hin) Yes Varath what is it?

Varath: Silah has returned now but she has something to tell you and she brought friends.

King Verax: Where is she?

Mara: In the beach!

Ashley: Its been months we haven't seen Silah! Lets head there and see what she brought!

We decided to head to the beach and we see Silah with two Dragons that are the same as her species. One is a purple one and the other is dark grey.

King Verax: Silah!! Its been a while! And these dragons looks exactly like you!

Silah: This is my mother! Xaras!

Xaras: (Bowed) Hello King! Pleasure to meet you!

Silah: And this is my father! Carax!

Carax: (Bowed) King Verax! Its an honor to meet you!

King Verax: Likewise both of you! Did you find your people Silah??

Silah: I did! After I took my leave with Alvir to head and travel around the Moravale I found traces of my species around the area, so far ive encountered three tribes that went separated, two remained in Moravale and the other one we found them on a remote area around our world! Me, dad and mother we finally unify these tribes and we are now rebuilding our long lost order.

Ashley: The Gladiator Clan!?

Silah: (Nodded at her) Is time for us to defend humanity and I wish here to establish an alliance between your kingdom with our clan!

King Verax: Wait..... so you are the leader now??

Silah: My father wasn't interested in ruling again and neither mother here, everyone from all these tribes they have chosen me to be now the leader of The Gladiator Clan.

Carax: My time as leader had come to an end as I changed path in my life with my love here.

Xaras: Carax just been sweet!

King Verax: Very well! I accept an alliance with my kingdom with your clan!

Silah: We are also planning to move close around your kingdom. Maybe on the mainland as I plan to establish our home.

King Verax: You are most welcome to establish yourselves near us!

Silah: Of course! As leader of my clan im doing this because you and I know the worst is about to happen and we must protect humanity from Firewall. Which is why I would love to establish our own base of operation around here somewhere.

King Verax: As king of Virandas Kingdom I agree with your statement and this alliance! We could go ahead and find a perfect spot.

Silah: Splendid! We can go ahead and look around if you are not busy!

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