Chapter 8: A New World

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Planet Dracoria / Midday / Evecelan Valley / Arrival

She stepped out of the mysterious gate we called The Eye as she appeared walking exiting it and the gate for some reasons it closes down. She decided to forget it and explore the new place as she was on a hill, she can see in the skies the gas giant and the two moons.

Ashley: This is definitely an alien world!

She decide to explore around the vast hills landscape and she is in love with the scenery as it feels so natural and alive. She looks around and sees creature she never seen before and one runs to her as it was being curious, but it wasn't aggressive, and she knows what it is.

Ashley: A Cockatrice??

It was somewhat small maybe a juvenile, but it wasn't being aggressive to her but more like looking her around. She said that these cockatrices are mythical creatures in her world and something from fantasy books, but I told her once that these creatures are pack hunters and she was lucky that one wasn't being so aggressive.

Ashley: So what do you want?

Cockatrice: (Weird chicken and hissing sounds)

Ashley: You look more like a dinosaur thing than a cockatrice. At least you are completely feathered.

Cockatrice: (Tilting head like a bird and made weird noise and got closer to her)

Ashley: Yeah I know you are! (Laughing) I wish I could communicate with you be-

Cockatrice: (Looking around like sensing danger)

Ashley: Huh?? What happened?

Cockatrice: (Runs off)

Moments later she hears loud roars from behind and she is startled and decide to follow the cockatrice but she is too heavy as she is carrying so many things and decided to hide on a bush somewhere in the hills to look and pulled her AR-15. Seconds later in the distance she sees two Shadow Drakes with riders that look like elves, these drakes have dark scales as they are all black with red eyes.

Ashley: (Aiming at the Drakes) The hell?? Drakes?? He wasn't even joking...

The drakes are searching around where she emerged like they know she was there. She hears them in the distance.

Kyrath: (Draconic snarling) Ive seen the human around here!

Elve Rider: Ive saw her! Keep searching boys! We need to capture our slave!

She was almost close to shoot at that rider but decided it wasn't worth it this time so she decided to wait until they run off somewhere else. As they did she decided to went somewhere around and runs off.

Skies of Firewall Kingdom / Evening

Ive continued flying around and look for our villages as I try not to turn my back and head home and let the humans suffer but I still must do my duties by the order of the Princess. Ive flew several villages but all of them are guarded with our military and some dragon guardians, but I forgot to check on one village and is Sidney Village, I went there and arrived on a matter of few ten minutes and by my surprised is completely unguarded and unprotected but of course im not going to do that, tensions between me and the humans are high. I banked left and heading back to the citadel and report to my Princess about the village.

Dracoria: A New World (Book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant