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Chapter: 8

At that moment, all they desired was to speak to him, to help him calm down, but it seemed to be too difficult. Dirk was completely lost to them. It was obvious that he was struggling between his feelings and his instincts, torn between giving in to their commands and submitting to them.

With growing concern, they watched as he started trembling. His body shook with both lust and fear, and the Triplets' worry deepened. They couldn't fully comprehend this bond, but they needed to discuss it and find a way to balance their situation. After all, they had been paired by the Goddess, who knows best.

"Are you alright?" Tricc asked, moving closer and kneeling in front of the trembling Lion. He reached out a hand but stopped when he saw the Lion flinch away from him. Frowning, Tricc stood back up and took two steps back. "Have it your way," he growled under his breath.

"Stop with the pheromones, brothers," Seth reasoned, and the others nodded. "As an Alpha Pride, he could go into pheromone-induced shock if we let him inhale any more than he already has... Look at him!" he exclaimed, pointing towards the Pride who was still curled up on the ground, trembling uncontrollably.

It didn't take long for the air to clear, and Dirk began to breathe normally again. Tears filled his eyes, blurring his vision, but his strength slowly returned. The Lycgers watched as he recovered, making sure to keep a distance of five feet.

They would have let him go home, giving him all the time he needed to think clearly about their pairing. They would do the same. However, before they could have a better conversation and a clearer understanding, Dirk didn't allow that to happen.

Once he was breathing normally and able to stand on his own, he wasted no time. Without a moment's hesitation, Dirk began to speak. Kurt knew what he was about to say, which was why he reached out first...

"Dirk?" Kurt started, but Dirk cut him off, speaking over him.

"I, Dirk Fairpride, reject you, Kurt, Seth, and Tricc Riverbay as my Fated Pairs!" Dirk shouted with a hard glare. He ignored how the Lycgers visibly recoiled at his harsh tone. "From this moment on, I sever all connections that bind us as mates. You cannot bond me nor control me, and I will not submit myself to you."

A dark cloud rose and enveloped the moon, shrouding them in darkness. The stars disappeared along with the moon, and the wind ceased, causing the leaves on the branches to still.

Silence followed.

Not a single sound dared to reach their ears. It was as if time had stopped. The only thing that could be heard was their heavy breathing, their heartbeats thumping loudly enough to deafen the rest of the world. After a while, the silence was shattered by a low snarl.

Then it began.

It took hold of Tricc first. His knees buckled, and he dropped to the ground, his hands reaching towards the moon mark on his side. He yelled and began clawing at his ribs as the moon marking faded. Worried now, Seth and Kurt quickly rushed to their brother's side, but they too soon fell to the ground next to Tricc, crying out in heartbreaking agony. It felt as if their hearts were being torn from their chests while still alive. The cries of their anguish were excruciating.

A sudden chill ran down Dirk's spine as he stared wide-eyed at the Lycgers, who were crying loudly, trying to alleviate their pain. But they were powerless against it. They cried even louder, clutching their sides and begging for it to end. Tears streamed down their faces, and their bodies shook as every muscle seemed to be torn apart. But the torment wasn't over.

Dirk's knees buckled from the overwhelming horror. He felt sickened witnessing their distress, backing away in horror as his legs gave way under him. He could only watch the scene unfolding before him.

The Alphas' Pride Mate (The Pride Who Goes Into Heat)Where stories live. Discover now