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Chapter: 16

As their passion continued to ignite, Kurt and Erik became lost in each other, their bodies moving in perfect harmony. The room filled with their intertwined moans and gasps, the atmosphere heavy with desire and the scent of their arousal. Kurt's hands explored Erik's body, tracing the contours of his muscles and evoking pleasurable shivers.

Overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment, Erik fully surrendered himself to Kurt's touch. His body arched off the bed, craving more of the exquisite friction that Kurt provided. Their kisses grew more urgent, their insatiable hunger for each other driving them forward.

With a fluid motion, Kurt maneuvered Erik onto his back, assuming a dominant position. He gently nipped at Erik's neck, not enough to cause harm, but enough to elicit cries of bliss. At that moment, they both understood the profound connection they shared. It surpassed mere physical desire; it was a merging of souls, a union between two individuals who had found solace and understanding in each other's embrace.

As Kurt entered Erik, their bodies melded together, creating a symphony of pleasure and ecstasy. They moved in perfect synchrony, their breaths mingling, their hearts beating as one. Each thrust propelled them closer to the precipice, the mounting tension becoming almost unbearable.

With a final, desperate cry, they climaxed together, waves of pleasure crashing over them. They clung to each other, their bodies trembling from the intensity of their release. And in that moment of pure bliss, all the pain and sorrow that had consumed them seemed to dissipate, replaced by an overwhelming sense of connection and love.

As they lay entwined in each other's arms, their breathing gradually returning to normal, Kurt pressed a tender kiss to Erik's forehead. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice laced with gratitude and vulnerability.

Erik, his heart brimming with emotion, smiled and lightly ran his fingers through Kurt's hair. "No, thank you," he replied softly. "Thank you for allowing me to be here with you, for sharing this extraordinary moment. I don't know what lies ahead, but I want to be by your side, Kurt."

Tears shimmered in Kurt's eyes, and he shook his head, his voice choked with emotion. "I'm sorry, Erik, but there's something you need to know," he said, sitting up and gazing down at Erik, who lay serenely on the bed, his hands gently weaving through Erik's soft hair. "We discovered our mate when we were sixteen, the night of our first shift. We realized that we don't have separate mates, but rather one mate. And that mate is none other than a Lion Pride member whose father is the Soulmate to ours... quite a perfect union, isn't it?"

"At first, I contemplated rejecting him because he was from a Pride, not an Omega or Beta, but when I first caught a whiff of his pheromones, something in my heart shifted, and I was ready to accept him. But then he turned around and rejected us, and while we lay there, half-dead, he ran away, and we never saw him again..." Kurt paused, a painful lump forming in his throat. "Well, until tonight, when I caught his scent. It turns out that Seth's enemy is none other than our runaway mate..."

"Who rejected you!" Erik snapped, his voice sharp and cutting, catching Kurt off guard.

Perplexed, Kurt sought clarification. "I'm sorry, what do you mean?"

"You speak of him as if he did not reject you all," Erik responded his tone now colder. "Do you still harbor feelings for him?" Sitting up in bed, he fixed Kurt with an intense stare, causing Kurt to question the innocence he had previously attributed to Erik.

"I can't fully comprehend my emotions for him, but he is our mate, and I have never experienced a reaction like the one I just had when I caught a whiff of his pheromones," Kurt attempted to explain. He felt torn, unsure of how to navigate his complex feelings for Dirk. Despite everything, Dirk remains their mate, and that fundamental truth hasn't changed. He still holds a profound sway over them.

Erik's frown deepened, lines etching themselves on his forehead. "You still care about him, don't you? You mentioned that he abandoned you after cruelly rejecting your bond... have you considered the possibility that he doesn't desire any of you?" He exclaimed, his eyes growing darker with intensity. "How can you maintain affection for someone who treated you so callously?"

Growing increasingly frustrated, Kurt's voice rose in volume. "It has been eighteen years, Erik. Eighteen long years since we lost our pheromones, since our Lycgers became dormant, and our powers dwindled into insignificance. Our strengths couldn't even rival those of an Omega... and if you ask me, nothing has changed, not from my perspective."

"What about me?" Erik demanded, his anger now palpable. "Did you only view me as a means of physical gratification? Am I just another conquest you brought home to satiate your lust, only to discard once you were satisfied? Because none of us ever held any significance to you..." He swiftly arose from the bed, gathering his clothing. "You are nothing but a self-absorbed lunatic!" With those biting words, he stormed out of the room.

Kurt hastily got out of bed, dressed in his shorts, and hurriedly chased after Erik. "Erik, please," he pleaded, feeling a genuine sense of hurt caused by Erik's accusations. This was the first time Kurt had invited someone into his home. He had never before welcomed anyone into his villa; instead, he typically opted for one of his many luxurious five-star hotels or other extravagant locations. Erik was the first man he had invited into his personal space, driven by the belief that he might have genuine feelings for him. For that reason alone, Kurt didn't want Erik to leave on such a bitter note, particularly after the extraordinary night they had just shared.

Yet Erik continued to flee, disregarding Kurt's request to wait so they could talk. When Kurt saw he was not ready to speak, he ordered Blaine to take him home. Erik ran until he reached the vehicle in which he had arrived, waiting for Blaine to transport him back. Kurt asked Blaine to lower the window in the back seat where Erik sat, and as the window descended, Kurt's heart shattered at the sight of Erik's tear-streaked face. "If it means anything, you are the first person I have ever brought home. Even those who bore my children never had the privilege of knowing my residence," Kurt expressed, his voice heavy with sadness. Turning towards the driver's side, he instructed Blaine, "Ensure his safe return."

Blaine simply responded, "Yes, sir," and began to drive away.

Kurt stood there, silently observing until the car passed through the gate and vanished from view. Slowly, he turned and made his way back into the villa, his steps weighed down by a mixture of regret and longing.

The Alphas' Pride Mate (The Pride Who Goes Into Heat)Where stories live. Discover now