Chapter 1: Entrance Examination, Day 1

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< Floor 21, Dorm 721 >


Yuta Wakes up Groggy from the events of last Night, to find his room was empty, his Dorm mates were gone and already departed for the Examination Entrance.

Yuta: Where'd they go... Wait!

He checks his phone and sees the time "9:05AM" 

Yuta: I'M LATE!!!

He showers and gets ready in a flash in the race against time to reach the Examination Entrance in time.

Yuta: how could they just leave me like that!, did they get into an argument again and forget to wake me up at least.

Indra gets up to awake Yuta but Celeste stops him.

Indra: What's the big deal?

Celeste: it's better if we leave him, I don't want his death on my consciousness.

Indra: What are you talking about?

Celeste: Look at him, he's a bumpkin who has no business here, he'll be eliminated the minute the Exam begins, not only does he lack a constellation, Strong body, or an Attribute his Suryoku Aura is rigid and you can tell it's inexperienced, I've seen toddlers with finer quality than his.

"The Constellation, Goddess of Spring and flowers Agrees with this reasoning"
"The Constellation who has yet to Reveal himself Agrees with this reasoning"


Yuta: I'm not going to make! I'm not gonna make it I'm not gonna make it!

Yuta Races down several flights of stairs towards the Examination Entrance Hall and sees the door about to close. Suddenly another students comes behind him an picks him up.

???: Need a lift?

He was insanely fast, even with another human on his back it didn't even look like it slowed him down at all, his appearence was unusual however, "Who the hell dye's their dreads purple" Yuta thought to himself. With the assistance of this person the gap in distance was closed almost instantly as the student puts him down.

Yuta: thank you, uhh.

Mikey: Mikey, Mikey Wǔtián

Yuta Carefully examined his build, his physique was off like it wasn't humanly possible, the muscles in his calf were uniquely shapen to form what looks like wings, he couldn't see it at the time but his back muscles did the same, his build was muscular but slim at the same time a perfect balance between muscle and weight distribution.

[Mikey Wǔtián]
[Constellation: The Marquis of Duting, ???]
[Constellation Grade: Legend]
[Attribute: Herculean Physique (rare)]

Appearence: *Mikey Wǔtián sports purple dreads reaching his neck, complemented by black headphones he vows never to lose. His attire merges semi-old traditional Chinese wear with a modern twist, matching shirt and pants in vibrant colors. His black shoes feature an embroided dragon. His Calf, Leg and Back muscles were shapen like wings. his chest muscles were unbelievably well defined. On his back he carries a Large double sided Spear that can be separated into 2 separate blades

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