Chapter 6: The east and the West

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[Scenario #1]
[Entrance Ceremony]
[Description: To enter the prestigious Amura Academy you must first pass the Entrance Examination, you have been teleported to an Indigineous Island of unknown size for a period of 8 days]

[Clear Conditions: Survive 8 days or the Number of Students is reduced to 720]
[Remaining Time: 192 -> 86 Hours]

[Penalty: Denied Access to Amura Academy]

[Addition: Every 24 hour that passes a random event will occur.]

[Remaining Participants 1800 -> 980]

Ryu, Yuta and the newly added Timbo walk along the coastline and spot a cave on the beach side, they walk up to it and explore the interior, empty miraculously the cave appears to go even deeper.

Timbo: This looks like a GREAT place to set up!

Ryu: I agree, I'm surprised nobodies taken it.

Yuta: Ryu... This place feels off.

Ryu: what are you talking about?

Suddenly steam shoots up from a geyser and into the roof nearby, their attention shifts as they notice the cave comes with a hot spring.


Yuta: Let's Shower!!

Timbo: Hooray!

Ryu Looks at the two as she forces them outside the cave.

Ryu: You 2 can wait out here, this is how it'll work, I'll go first you guys can go second.

Timbo: Fair enough, Sir Yuta! we shall allow the fair maiden Ryu to have her shower first, then we'll be next!

Yuta: Respectively Mister Timbo, you look middle aged.

Timbo: I see...

The group showers taking turns, Ryu first, Yuta second and lastly Timbo, they get dressed after a refreshing hot bath in the spring.

Ryu: I'm definitely setting up Camp here! 

Yuta: The bath was wonderful Miss Ryu...

Ryu: I hope you weren't doing anything perverted did you?

Yuta: N-N-NO MAM!

Ryu: Good boy, let's explore this cave a bit deeper though.

The group treads a bit deeper into the Cave and eventually find an opening at the back, leading to an even larger area, from inside an entire Lake filled by millions of gallons of Water in the center, surrounded by flowers and floral growth of all kinds, a perfect safe haven, fruits and vegetables for food and clean drinking water, there couldn't be a better safe haven.

< Crystalline Grotto >

Ryu: Looks like you need to work on those instincts Yuta, this place couldn't be any better!

Timbo: It's so beautiful, maybe this exam isn't so bad.

Yuta stares at the glistening pond and can't help but feel like something lies in weight at the bottom, waiting for the optimal time strike, he looks at the broken and rusty sword in his pocket.

Timbo: Relax kid, you've got big ol' Timbo here!

Yuta: That makes me feel so much safer.

Ryu goes up into a nearby tree for a better vantage point, the Area looks a lot wider than they imagined, it looks like it runs underneath at least half of the entire Island.

Ryu: I can't see anyone from here but be careful, there may be creatures or other participants nearby!

Yuta: Okay!

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