Chapter 57: Grace Period is Over

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< Trinity Games Arc: Chapter 8 >

Yuta climbs out of a Cave extremely wet with the H.E.L.P.I.E droid in his Hands, the Droid comes back online and begins to Re-establish it's signal in the Control Room, alerting Shiki and the Employees.

"Establishing Signal...."

Yuta: Finally it's back to working!

"Signal Established! 📶"

As it's Systems and functions become working again it Levitates out of Yuta's arms but it moves around groggy, almost like It's drunk...perhaps that is due to it Being wet but none the less it's functions slowly begin to Resume back to normal.

Yuta: Alright...'Time'

The H.E.L.P.I.E droid displays the Time of the Grace period on the Surface of It's face as Yuta commanded, unaware that Shiki was currently watching him through the Orb.

Grace Period: 00:29:43

Yuta: 30 MINUTES?!?! *I took a few naps along the way since I was tired by DAMN!*

Yuta shakes himself off  but his clothes remain damp as he had to swim through an underwater cavern to Get back here.

Yuta: uhm...I'll try this Magic stuff I guess...

*According to Altria you, Magic is the Manipulation of Reality itself to bend to the User's will...there's no real way to explain how it works besides requiring Magic circuits and Mana as the source*

Yuta: *Inhale...*...*exhale*

Regression to the Age of Gods

This was the First Skill of 5 Altria recommended current body wasn't born with Magical circuits but this Ability was able to Artificially give me them, essentially they're magic circuits comparable to the Age of gods so theoretically My magic should be quite high.

Yuta breathes in closely...Imagines a simple gust in his hand as his new Magical circuits flourish...They ignite and activate as Yuta feels the energy whirling up inside of his Body.

Yuta: Wind...

Slowly but surely, from his hand a small gust of breeze flows out of his Hands and begins to dry him off and blowing any moisture away.

Yuta: NICE! *Maybe I can make it a bit warmer?*

It took a Bit of Focus but he heated the Wind up using a touch of Heat to make it warmer, soon enough his whole Body was dry, although the Potency of the attacks are nowhere near enough to cause damage to basically anybody he feels appeased as he managed to get somewhere.

Yuta: Now, I just need to- CRAP MY FLAG! *Kaiser's going to come back and take it the moment that Grace period is over...but wait...*


Saying the Command the H.E.L.P.I.E droid projects a 2D Version of the Map below Yuta, all of the Blocks from A-I are there, on the Cusp of E-Block miles away from Yuta are 2 Green dots representing his teammate, as one green dot holds a Brown flag next to it.

Yuta: They got the Flag!

"Ahem Ahem...Yuta saiba can you tell me where you went?!"

Yuta: Huh? *Where'd that noise come from?!*

"It's me, Shiki, your Status went offline an entire Day ago, what happened?"

Yuta: Oh uhm...*well I can't exactly tell him I got transported to another world so...* Not sure! I just sort of started walking for a bit and I guess the connection got lost.

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