Chapter 27: Conspiracy

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???: Do you like jasmine tea?

Adebayo takes a good look around, no longer in the City of books but some small Room, a Table sits in the middle with 2 chairs on both sides, A lady with Amber hair and blue eyes sits in the chair, a Veil over her head obscuring her face along with a Witch hat.

Adebayo: Uhm, where am I?

???: Have a seat.

Although reluctant at first Adebayo takes a seat across from the woman, pouring him a cup of Jasmine tea and sliding it too him, he grabs the cup but its handle and takes a sip...the Tea is awfully sweet yet bitter at the same time.

???: Bitter sweet?

Adebayo: That' way of describing it.

???: So, how can I help you on this fine evening.

Adebayo: Uhm...I was examining a tea kettle from a book in some large labyrinth and then some weird smoke got in my lungs and now I'm here...

???: Hm? The Kettle is still in the City of Books?, thought some government would've found that out by now.

Adebayo: I believe it's only me and my master who know so-

In the back of his mind Adebayo remembers the conversation he had with Bou Bou on the way here, he found a mysterious kettle that sent him to this strange pocket dimension with this woman wearing a witch hat...the Idea clicks in his mind.

Adebayo: Wait! Are you the witch of Finality by any chance?!?

???: Am I famous on the outside? but the answer is Yes and No.

Adebayo: Famous? Your legendary, there's not a single magic practitioner who hasn't heard about you! 

???: I'm flustered.

Adebayo: But what do you mean by Yes and No?

???: The Witch of Finality is dead.

Adebayo: But...your standing right in front.

???: Aha, I'm just a Clone she made when she was younger, you could say I am her but at the same time I'm not. I'm constrained to this Tea kettle for all eternity.

Adebayo: Don't you get...Lonely?

???: I only manifest when someone else enters the kettle, meaning I was born just about 2 minutes ago, and once you leave I'll simply cease to exist.

Adebayo: So...Why am I here?

???: According to the Memories I manifested with, I'm supposed to this to anyone

Manifesting a Strange... Box? on the face is a Sigil of a Peacock...It appears to be almost like a Deck of Playing Cards.

Adebayo: What is this?

???: Magic Playing Cards you could say...Within each of these cards is a Magic I sealed inside. Powerful Magic, Although it's been...I'm sorry what year is it?

Adebayo: 2019...

???: It's been 8,000 Years since I made these cards so their magic has dwindled by quite a bit...

Adebayo: Can't you replenish them?

???: Again, I'm just a mere powerless clone, a Messenger per say.

Adebayo touches the Deck of cards, as an Unknown energy swirls around his hand, it's comfortable and soothing yet Powerful In nature, he takes picks up the Deck as 7 Playing Cards Swirl around his head and Imprint onto his hand causing a Searing or welding type of pain...

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