Chapter 70: All-Out War (2)

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< Trinity Games Arc: Chapter 21 >

Inbetween I-Block and B-Block, Zenith and Mikey stand off in the Desert...Ready to Best each other, neither of them Intend to Back down...

As Mikey Activates his Abilities, He leaps forward at Full Speed toward Zenith, the Meraki Armor, now fitted with 20 Swords Indivisually stack on themselves to Form a Shield to Block the Attack for Zenith who was barely able to keep up...

Zenith: *Was he always this Fast?!*

Gale Cloak
Surrounds the user in a Pocket of Air causing them to Grow more Nimble and Agile

As Mikey clashes with the Swords that moved to Form Shields, he retracts Back his Hands  and prepares for an Even Greater Attack.


Wind Vortex
Stab at the Air creating a Vortex that pulls in enemies and Attacks and shreads them to bits Using the Air as a Cleaving Force like sharp blades of Wind

Mikey: Celestial Launch!

Your Feel Your Body grow Stronger and Faster

Due to the Effect of Battle Lust Increasing his Strength even Further, Mikey places all of his Current Strength into his Spear hand, Adding the Effect of Wind Vortex on Top and Creating a Powerful thrust forward...

The Thrust effortless pierces The Seemingly impenetrable defense of Zenith's Sword which had Formed, the Vortex caused by the Runes of Wind making it hard for Zenith to escape as the wind begins tearing at his Skin and ripping it off.

Zenith: *what even is that?!*

Mikey: You'd be stupid to think I didn't grow stronger either.

Zenith: *Another one?!*

As all of the Shields give in, and the Swords Shatter into hundreds of Bits, Mikey's spear travels toward Zenith who attempts to Block, as he does his Spear strike's Zenith's golden silk threads as the sheer hardness causes it to reverberate and slip away.

Mikey: *what the hell is that clothing?!?*

Zenith Summons a Sword to his Hand of a Low-Relic Grade and Swings at Mikey who was Caught of Guard, as Zenith swings his Sword he thought it would surely Strike Mikey as he aims for his Shoulder...

Zenith: *GOT HIM!*

Mikey: No you don't...

With Unreal acrobatics Mikey evades the Attack from seemingly Point Blank as the Wind Cloak around him intensified making him extremely light and Nimble enough to evade the Attack...

Mikey spins around Mid air and Delivers a blow straight to Zenith's Jaw which Knocks him Back, quickly dashing forward to Follow-up the Attack.

Mikey Jumps into the Air and Pours a large amount of Suryoku into his Spear, utilizing 100% Enhancement along with 40% Emission as he comes crashing down with a heap of Strength...

You Feel your Muscles Bulge and Intensify

Feeling his Muscles grow Larger Mikey enjoys the Battle even more as he comes crashing down onto Zenith before he can fully recover.


Zenith attempts to Block with what Little time he has, as He does Mikey crashes down with his Spear and slices his hand creating a Large laceration but the Armor prevents it from going any further.

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