Chapter 30: Family Reunion

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< April 28th >
< 9:48 AM >

Manaka, Sirin and Shiki are in the back of a Long Limousine, escorted by 4 Black Vans with 2 on each side, on the Inside Manaka is asleep on a Long Seat whilst Sirin and Shiki Enjoy Medium Rare steaks and Drinks.

Shiki: Sooooooooo, What have you been up to these past couple years?

Sirin: This is the 16th Time You've asked me this question.

Shiki: And you have yet to answer.

Sirin: *Sigh* I do hits and Bounties, as well as looking after and training my Siblings on weekends.

Shiki: Hmmmmmm, that girl over...Manaka, she has quite an interesting Innate Ability, I don't think I've seen such an Attribute before.

Sirin: Not an Attribute, just something she could've done at birth.

Shiki: While we're on the topic of Family, what's the deal with that kid, I heard family is most important with you guys.

Sirin stops her Frantic eating and takes a sip of her Wine, before looking at Shiki with an Angered Expression.

Sirin: He's not family, don't even call us that in the slightest, he may have blood but he'll be dead soon enough.

Shiki: So sensitive, what'd he do?

Sirin: Be born, I hope you're not planning on trying to stop his death.

Shiki: Not at all, to be frank I don't really care all that much.

On the Couch Manaka's Eyelashes flicker before her eyes open, Getting up and rubbing them before stretching after a peaceful nap after a night of Murder.

Sirin: Did you sleep well?

Manaka: Of Course!

Shiki: Hello there again!

Manaka: Hello goblin man!

Shiki:  Goblin...Man...Quite a Unique name.

Manaka: Sissy, are we home yet?

Sirin: Almost, hey you left food for the kid in Bearbo's stomach right?

Manaka: Uhm...I think I ate them on the way to the school!

Sirin: Damn, he's probably starving...He'll be fine.

Shiki: Didn't your gramps want him alive?

Manaka: He can do without food but I'll give him water!

Manaka walks over to one of the Mini bars and opens a Mini fridge Below a cabinet and takes out a Water bottle before returning to her Couch and Feeding the Bottle to the now child-sized Bearbo.

< Stuffy Stomach >

In the Middle of a soft...cotton, Stuffy world is Zack laying on a "ground" of pillows, laying in the center trying not too move to conserve energy as much as possible before he's released...he sits there staring blankly to the sky surrounded by Numerous Blood, Amputated Human remains.

Zack: How Long have I been here? a few hours? no definitely at least a day by now...I think? hard to tell when the sun is completely still in this "world"

he smacks his lips together for a moment, as he gets...dry as a desert, chapped and breaking out into cracks, he hasn't eaten in a while, he'd sooner take the E-Block tier Food before this.

Zack: I'm gonna die some Kid's Imaginary pillow world...

The Whole in the Sky opens as a single bottle of Water falls and descends next to Zack.

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