Chapter 59: Warzone (2)

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< Trinity Games Arc: Chapter 10 >

In a Field of Water and Lush greens, Hizotome and Percy, a Jack of Team Olympus came all the way from E-Block in a Single Leap, not even 30 seconds once the Grace Period has ended, and already a Strong foe has found their way into their Block...

Wasting no Time at all Percy dashes in and strikes for Hizo's chest as he easily Evades and hits an Open Palm on Percy's Stomach Using Emission at 100% of a 5* Capacity he launches Percy Far away and Through Multiple trees, sending him far enough into the Upper layer of C-Block as Percy crashes into a Tree.

Hizo: *He's hard...That durability is something else.*

As Dust and Debris was kicked up causing a Smoke Screen for Hizotome, an extremely sharp and fast jet of water pierces through the Smoke and Aimed directly at Hizotome who block with his Bare hand, the Sheer pressure of the Water scarring his hand slightly.

Hizo: *Is this Transmutation?! no, this is too strong for even a prodigy to output*

Shortly Following up, From the Cloud of Dust and Debris 3 Water Dragons or Serpentine heads Emerge and Crash down onto Hizotome while He's stuck and crash down onto him causing a Large Plume of Water to shoot into the Sky...

From the Crater formed in the Large Tree Percy emerges from the Dust and Smoke as the Water Dragons continuously Crash down onto Hizo, seemingly appearing out of thin air and formulating themselves into the Desired element.

Percy: That punch actually had some kick to it...I'm impressed, the only one who's managed to even harm me at all was Kaiser himself, I can enjoy this.

Authority of the Sea (S)
The User holds the Authority of not only Water but the See, that is to say they control all forms of water, salt, rain, fresh as well as all aquatic and Marine Life that may Live in them, the User is able to Pull water from any surface but it must be "Pure" or "untainted" by other elements such as Blood.

Droplets of Water surrounding Percy as he walks towards Hizo who simultaneously holds off his Water Jet and the 3 Dragons alone, the Water droplets constantly change shape and interconnect randomly independantly of their User.

Hizo: your not the only one who can Enjoy this you know.

Suddenly, Steam begins to rise and Clouds Hizotome completely and casts a Shroud of hot Mist  around as Percy's Water begins Evaporating Quickly, A spiral of solar Flames enveloping Hizo's Body and forming a Tornado around it that quickly evaporates the Dragon.

Percy: Fire...But that's no ordinary fire.

Hizo: *Of course it had to be night-time when he had to attack but this should be enough...*


To the Great confusion of Hizotome, but to the Great excitement of Percy who laughs Maniacally under the Bright Light of the 6 Moons in the Sky, his Water droplets quickly take on the Form of Clowns and Jesters also laughing along side him.

Percy: AHAHAHAAHH- Man! I just thought of something extremely funny.

Hizo: Care to let me in on the Joke.

Percy: The absolute fool I'm going to make out of you.

Hizo: A fool? Out of me? 

Percy: Mhmhm.

Megamiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें