Chapter 2: Entrance Examination Day 1&2

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[Scenario #1]
[Entrance Ceremony]
[Description: To enter the prestigious Amura Academy you must first pass the Entrance Examination, you have been teleported to an Indigineous Island of unknown size for a period of 8 days]

[Clear Conditions: Survive 8 days or the Number of Students is reduced to 720]
[Remaining Time: 190 Hours]

[Penalty: Denied Access to Amura Academy]

Zenith's Clothes morph into an Iron clad Armor as he draws his sword and lunges towards Akuji at Full speed, Unbeknownst to them a White Crow with red eyes and tatoo'd feathers watches, someone's familiar.

Mikey: that you Ade?

The Crow opens its mouth and speaks clear english as the Master speaks through his Familiar.

Adebayo: I told you stop calling me that, it's annoying

Mikey: but you're name is so hard and Ade is sweet and short so why not, but changing topics you fucking left me you asshole.

Adebayo: Relax I knew you always wake up around the same time and I didn't want to disturb your beauty sleep.

Mikey: anyways where are you.

Adebayo: I'm on the east side in a cave, I saw this fight going on so I thought I'd just inspect it.

Mikey: What do you think?

Adebayo: The Winner? to me it's quite clear, Zenith beats him in physicality the quality of his gear is easily superior, but Akuji's Attribute can instantly melt his weapons upon contact making Akuji his natural enemy and placing him at a disadvantage, at the same time Zenith has compensated by his sword being able to absorb the flames and neutralize the next series of attacks.

Mikey: so Zenith would win? if all his attacks can be absorbed what else can he do?

Adebayo: Not quite.

Zenith launches multiple swords at Akuji but he coats himself in his flames making all of the weapons melt on Contact. he creates an X-shape out flames but it's countered by Zenith's own.

Akuji: You're beginning to irritate me with that.

Zenith: You'd do it to if you were me.

Zenith lunges in again Configuring his suit to make a helmet as Akuji coats the entire Area in white flames blinding his vision, Zenith swipes at the place Akuji was to find he's moved, Akuji appears behind him and strikes the button on his back taking 1 life away as Zenith jumps back with his suit turning read in some areas and beginning to melt.

Akuji: You burning up in there?

Zenith: I've got plenty left in the tank still

"The Constellation Master of Steel and the Forge looks at the ensuing fight with joy"

"Many constellations are Looking at the fight and admiring it"

"Some Constellations are jealous of Hephaestus' Incarnation"

Zenith: Blade Regalia.

Numerous swords fill the Area behind him and begin firing like with the Quantity of a Gattling, hundreds of blades go hurling toward Akuji every second but he coats himself in flames and melts them on contact.

Zenith: As expected.

In the Mix of the many blades Zenith puts on a cloak and completely disappears from sight

Akuji: I saw that

Akuji focuses hard on the ground and find Zenith's footprints being made on the ground.

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