Chapter 76: Day 3 Opening.

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Trinity Games Arc: Chapter 27

Ponyo Stands next to Zelanus and leans up against a wall, waiting to Recover using his Insect Regeneration, as he Does his H.E.L.P.I.E Drone Appears to Display a Message.

Your Team Leader's Flag has been Taken, you are now Under Leadership of <Team Kurokara>

Ponyo: Tch. I didn't get there in time...that damned Tomato-head stalled me out...

"If he had just stayed down, chances are that girl in the Coat would've left him and Returned to her Original Body...then I could've used Apito and Zelanus to take care of whatever threat dispatched our Leader...Damn that Tomato-head CUNT!"

Ponyo: But...That's how the game goes, you win-some you lose some...

'Zelanus, Apito...Recall.'

From Infront of him he watches Zelanus Disperse into Block particles and Return to his Bug-World...And a little Distance Away Apito Does the Same...

On the Other Side...Apito Stands in front of Zack and Zenith completely Unharmed by the 10-million-ton Sword Zenith through at her and simply dusted off her Body...

Apito: Exterminate...

Ultra Sense (B)
Sense the Existence Value of another Being, a Sign of how Powerful it is...A necessary Ability for residents of the Reverse-world

Existence Value: 54,439
(Zenith Amos)

Existence Value: 9,843
(Zackary Lucifer)

Apito: Exterminate...


Before Apito can Move her Movements are Restricted, hearing the Call of her Master she dissipates into Black Particles and Returns back to her World...Zenith Stands they're shaking feeling he was about to Die from the Mere Presence.

Zenith: *Thank god it Left, I was not going to beat that thing at the hell did Zack end up fighting this thing...but no matter.*

Zenith Turns around and Shatters a Gem containing a Bit of Rose's Healing Magic inside of it...A jew drop falls onto Zack's Lip and Enters his Mouth as he Musters up what little Strength he has left to Swallow...

As he does...his Body begins to Recover, his Lacerations, wounds and Bruises begin to Easily Heal as he feels his Fatigue Dissipate like he had never Fought in the First Place...Zack Sits back up and takes a look at himself, his Clothes are Ripped to Shreds as he Looks homeless.

Zenith: Bro you look Homeless the hell happened?

Zack: Bug-Boy tore me up, I'll be honest.

Zenith: Jesus man, you should really learn how to Tell the Difficulty of a Fight from the start, if that thing didn't randomly Disappear I'd be cooked right now.

"Yeah Yeah, Sorry about that"

Ponyo walks up, hands in his Pockets and his Guard down...

Ponyo: Looks like you guys one though, claimed our flag and Everything, I guess I'm under truce now.

Zack: Heh! How does it feel.

Ponyo: How does what Feel?!

Zack: To be a SLAVE!

Ponyo: That's like...the Average Societal Structure nowadays, everybody is a slave, but never the Less where is your base of-

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