Chapter 7: Risk of Rain

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Ryu carries an unconscious Yuta back to the surface, but not before skinning the Sea serpents for its parts which can be auctioned for a high price, after reaching the surface they see the daylight and Timbo... on the floor?

Ryu: Timbo?

Timbo lies on the floor as he gets kicked around like a beachball on the floor by a mysterious figure in an all black cloak, the figure stands above him as Timbo begs like the man before him is a god.

Timbo: look I'm sorry! okay!? I didn't know it would

???: Shut up.

The Figure shoves his boot into Timbo's face knocking him on his fat stomach, and strikes his back taking the last of timbo's lives which he took the rest prior. Timbo is then teleported back to Examination Hall for proper elimination.

Ryu: What's your deal!

The cloaked figure turns his attention towards Ryu and removes his hoodie revealing his face, His hair was a clear snow white, a lightened skin tone and obsidian eyes. his face was remarkable Handsome for someone his age.

Riku: I am Riku, Riku Kuragami, I am the Incarnation of the Constellation hades, and that man I just eliminated is a traitor.

Ryu: Traitor?

[Riku Kuragami]
[Constellation: 'Father of the Rich Night, Hades']
[Constellation Grade: Mythical]
[Attribute: Lord of the Abyss (Godly)]

[Appearence: Standing at around 6,0 Currently Sporting an All black coat that runs down to his legs, but underneath he wears a black-leather jacket with subtle dark stitching, A deep-crimsoned V-neck, Lightweight Tunic worn underneath the jacket with Black Military Jeans to compliment his jacket, around his neck he wears a silver necklace in the shape of a heart, around his waist is an intricately designed belt for an added accessory.]

[Character Summary: Chosen by the Father of the Rich Night personally, from a young age he was gifted in everything, his body was naturally strong and athletic, born into a wealthy Family, Intelligent, and gifted with unparalleled talent over his peers, to top it all off he was blessed with an Attribute so rare it was wondered if it even existed, 'The Lord of the Abyss' Attribute. With all these things thousands of constellation's rushed as soon as they heard word of a possible Incarnation with such promise.

However None of them Stuck out to him... Until one night he fell asleep and awoke as a Dead person, he awoke in a large bedroom adorned with the such priceless relics, he awoke in the Underworld, the Domain of Hades and was promised a deal he couldn't refuse.]

Ryu: What do you mean Traitor?

Riku: Did you seriously not question how that fat piece of shit lasted this long?, he takes advantage of other's kindness and once everyone is asleep he drugs them and silently takes them off for quick Eliminations, he probably would have done the same to you and your friend so you should thank me.

Ryu: Well thank you...

Riku looks at the Unconscious Yuta on Ryu's back and analyzes him, as he takes a closer inspection of his sword he realizes what it is.

Riku: excuse me but, is that an Aether-Forged Blade in that boy's hand?

Ryu: A what? *now that he mentions it the sword has completely changed*

Riku: Ah, I never mind then carry on with your business I only came here for that fat piece of shit

Ryu: oh, Okay then.

Riku: before I go... Have you seen a white haired girl, her name is Celestine Augustus Aurora, but she goes by the name of Celeste most commonly.

Ryu: Never heard of her.

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