Chapter 92: Asura's Wrath

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Trinity Games Arc: Chapter 42

Kaiser and Ishura stand off, approximately 30-Meters apart Kaiser turns to Face Ishura, Sparks of Electricity Flowing off from his Body As he cracks his Knuckles 

Kaiser: You managed to Catch-my blow, perhaps you may be able to appease me.

Ishura cracks his Neck and Begins Stretching, keeping his Hands Bound in a Steel-Lock

Ishura: .......

Kaiser: *What's with his Hands...hell does he keep his Arms in a Binder for? even his Legs are Bounded in Inhibitors...*

To Summarize what Kaiser is talking about the Bindings Ishura wears are called Inhibitor's, made to Restrain supernatural Abilities, being made of the One Material in the World that can Restrain the Influence of a Constellation: Blackstone, as well as Inhibiting the Usage of Magic & Suryoku as well...

as to why a Person would Purposefully make themselves Weaker Kaiser did not know, but it was clear by Ishura's expression he had no intent on taking them off...

and to Him, that made it seem like he wasn't worth the effort of taking them off.

Kaiser: I am going to...Rip you apart!

Authority of Zeus (S)
Allows for Complete control over Electromagnetism and It's Effects, subsequently all Electric-Based Powers & Abilities, control over Storms, Weather, no form of Electromagnetismic Activity can harm the User whether or not they are aware of the threat. This Ability goes Unopposed until in the Face of an Authority of Higher-Level.

Kaiser Lifts his Foot up slowly before Speed-Blitzing forward creating a Cascade of Melting Stone & Magma from his Speed behind him as he Attempts to Deliver a Kick of Devastation to Ishura's Chest, however the 3 of the Arms Intervene with the Strike creating a Powerful Shockwave 

As Ishura gave a soft smirk

Now within Melee Combat Kaiser Barraged Ishura in a Hail of Strikes infused with Lightning as all of them were Easily Parried by Ishura's 6-Hands in tandem, Kaiser's fists were Caught in the Hands as he then went in for a Headbutt 

However Ishura raised his Knee to the Center causing Kaiser to Headbutt his own face into Ishura's Knee, He then used 2 of his Floating Hands to Pick kaiser off the Ground and Deliver another kick to his Face causing him to rotate mid-air from the Velocity 

Kaiser: *Cough's Blood*

Ishura: Such Brute force, nothing but force, and no Technique.

"Allow me to show you...Technique."

2 of the Hands Begin being Coated in Ishura's Energy...but it seems Flows...It's Liquid and Yet Solid at the same time, almost like a Newtonian Fluid...The Color of Both of the Auras was Yellow...& For a Second Kaiser saw a Spark of Black & Red before he Gets Struck directly in the Chest with a Powerful Strike of a Yellow flash sending Miles away from the force 

Kaiser: *An Emitter-Affinity for sure, there's no doubt about that...but what was that force I felt travelling through my body...? was that his Kisei- *Coughs Blood*

"Whatever...I should-"

As Kaiser tries to Stand back up he feels his Legs Stumble, feeling his own Energy being Disrupted from the Inside...He lifts up his Shirt and Sees a Large Bruise mark with the Impact from one of Ishura's several fists

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