Chapter 75: Willpower Unbounded

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Trinity Games Arc: Chapter 26

Zack: The what now.

"Mmmmm, I'm not quite sure I'll let that guy who's been standing in the corner for the past few seconds pretending to be Mysterious explain it."

Fudius: I'm so glad you asked!


Fudius: Again, I'm everywhere, you think I can't appear in your soul-scape silly billy?

Zack: What is this-

Fudius: Okay so In summary this person you see right here is you, but a you who's just better honestly, It's called the Supreme Identity and Basically It's you from a Parallel universe who happened to get Linked-up and End up in the Same Body, Essentially He can become you and You can become Him...

Zack: So...

Fudius: But that's not what I'm here for, You have a Package so uhm let's see....What's your name?

Zack: Zack, Zack Lucifer.

Fudius Pulls out a seemingly Normal Book and begins Flipping through Pages, no matter how many pages he flips the Book seemingly Never stops despite him scrolling for an Extremely Long time.

Fudius: Zack...Zack...Zack Akashi no that''s from world 616, AH! Zack Tenj- Wait no that's World 7823...Nope...Nope...AH here it is!

Zack: What exactly-

Fudius: Yeah Yeah, you have a Package from Quetzacoatl and- Tekkai? ah, it's been Pending for 5 Years, I guess it got Delayed.

Zack: Huh?

Fudius: Well it happens when Some constellations just like to Purposefully hold back an Order for another Incarnation, very Uncommon though, honestly didn't even know Tekkai could Afford this but ughhh.


With a Snap of his Fingers a Clipboard Appears infront of Zack along with a Pen and Floats in front of his Face urging him to Sign it.

Zack: What is-

Fudius: Come on, there's a few Thousand more Orders coming through every Second I don't have all Day.

Zack: Jeez alright

Zack signs his name as the Pen and Clipboard Vanish, In their Place is small Package, Almost like a package of Cards.

Zack: What are-

Fudius: Read the Back of the Box, gotta go! BYE!

As Quickly as he Appeared...Fudius was gone...

Zack: Before I open this...I need to learn about You

"You already know all there is to know, I am that I am, and I am You."

Zack: That doesn't answer-

"What...Are you...Who are you...And what Isolates you from the Rest...Depending on your Answer I will Offer you something"

Zack: What is it you offer me?

"I Offer you a Missing Piece...But the Question is do you Have the Right to Earn it?"

Zack: Why shouldn't I...

"You Lack, An Ego."

"An Ego to Pursue your Goals..."

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