Chapter 12: An Angel Among man

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On the C-Block, North wing of the building in the Squad Zeta dorm room, Zack and Zenith relax on their decently soft beds as Zenith reads a book as Zack throws a random ball in the sky and catches it repeatedly. The Room is quiet.


Zack: Where the hell is the last member?!

Zenith: don't know.

Zack: It's been a full day and they haven't come yet what the hell is wrong with them?

On the dorm room door they got a knock, Zack gets up to answer the door, opening it he felt a calm and alluring presence although he couldn't explain it for himself, opening the door, for a second he could see feathers falling from the sky, fluorescent pink hair, soft skin, and a bright yellow eyes that have a weird symbol for her pupils, for a split second he could feel nothing but bliss before coming to his senses.

Zack: Hi? *she's pretty* are you our third teammate

The Girl's pupils move slowly, a blank expression on her face throughout the entire conversation, her pupils expand into 3 separate symbols and begin rotating causing Zack to step back.

???: why'd you kill your father?

Slowly tilting her head in confusion as her iris turns a deep crimson red, her pupils continuously rotating stop and transform into an "X" shape in both eyes.

???: Sinner.

Zack: how did you-

Rose: But I won't pry any further, that's not my job here after all, My name is Rose Irisviel, a pleasure to meet you Zenith Amos and Zackary Lucifer.

Zack: Hello...

[Rose Irisviel]
[Constellation: The Prince of the World, Metatron]
[Constellation Grade: Mythical]
[Attribute: Angel Physiology (godly)]

[Appearance: Rose
 is described as being very beautiful and charming—a young woman with red wine-colored hair with two loose bangs hanging on either side of her face. Her eyes are of a similar, lighter color, that have the symbol of a triskele in both eyes, although the pupils will change depending on what kind of person she is viewing and she wears dark pince-nez sunglasses on top of her head along with a pearl earring in her right ear.

She wears a white dress shirt along with a black jacket that hangs off her shoulders. There's a silver butterfly pin on its left lapel, and on the back there is a large, Bird-like pattern in the center, along with wings on both shoulders and a burgundy inside. There are also wine-colored straps with golden accents on both her jacket and thighs, and gloves of a similar shade.

She wears black, high waisted shorts and nylon tights, with a thigh garter on her right leg. She also wears black boots with two different lengths: the right goes over her knee, while the left goes slightly over her ankle.]

[Character Summary: A constantly Bland expression on her face that hardly shows any change in expression unless viewing something or someone she likes, she has a large appetite and rather enjoys viewing and eating human cuisine and one of the only times her expression changes, she remains silent but hates when people tell lies in front of her. It is unknown where she came from or when or why she descended to earth but it is extremely rare to even cast your eyes upon one let alone breath in the same room with one]

Zack: Can I ask just how did you know that?

Rose: where's your food pantry?

Zack: answer my question.

Rose: No. where's your food pantry.

As Rose steps through the door Zack draws his sword and blocks her pathway, Rose continues walking forward and walks into the blade, continuing to walk forward the blade bends like a hot knife and completely bends backwards making her pass.

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