Megami/Extra: Christmas!

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A/N: This is a alternate timeline from the original, everyone is around 8-11 here.

Yuta wakes up after a well-rested sleep, he rubs his eyes and goes to the bathroom for his daily routine...he decides to check his phone, but he had completely forgotten, it was.

"December 25th"


Finishing his Daily routine in a rush and putting back on his clothes after a hot shower, he rushes downstairs grinding the Rail of his staircase not wanting to waste a second, his Mother already downstairs on the couch.

Yuta: Mummy, Mummy can I open them?!

His mother looks at Yuta and gives him a warm smile, signaling him to open his gifts, naturally he starts with the largest one, large and boxed shaped he immediately unwraps it with haste.


Noelle: That's the one you wanted right?

Yuta: Oh my gawd. THANK YOU MOM!

Finally waking up, His little sister Towa sits next to him and looks for her presents, finding one that is also similarly box shaped, although it seems she got alot more than Yuta despite being a total brat to her brother.

Towa: Jealous?

Yuta: N-No, I'm fine with my Y-SQUARE!


Yuta: You can't use it it's mine!

Towa: Mom! tell him I can use it.

Noelle: Sweetie you should share with your sister, it's good bonding.

Towa: Yeah, don't you wanna bond with your sister?

Yuta: Hmmmmm...

Although it might come off as classic sibling rivalry, they still adore each other unconditionally, but that house is just one of many filled with love and care... not too far away on the outskirts of a nearby forest lives one who couldn't be happier.

Thompson: Come my children, it's time to open your presents!

[Redacted]: Oooo I can't wait to see what dad got me!

A large house, not as big as a mansion but still a sign of good Wealth, the Lucifer family in its entirety, Father Thompson and his 2 sons and daughters, Zackary and [Redacted], [Redacted],[Redacted].

The Family gathers around the tree, as his Mother prepares cookies and hot chocolate in the kitchen for everybody, Thompson begins grabbing gifts and handing them out to his children while the mother watches peacefully from the kitchen, the Young Zack seems worried however, not quite happy as his siblings.

"Ding Dong"

The Doorbell rings, Zack already knows who it is and goes to answer it, at the door is a close friend of his and probably the only one he could call a friend aside from family, covered in snow as he walked through the freak blizzard.

Zenith: Jeez it's cold, thanks for inviting me over though...

Zack: No problem, come inside and warm up.

Gathering at the large tree in the center of the house, towering at 20 Feet tall of pure lights and ornaments, and underneath is a large group of presents for the whole family as the Lucifer family's mother brings the cookies as they begin unwrapping the huge gifts.

One by One they receive their gifts, Zack receives a Y-SQUARE series S along with a stack of magazines...but no these were no ordinary magazines, his sister had got him the perfect gift, the full collection of "Rose Irisviel" modeling magazines, he hides his extreme excitement behind an unimpressed demeanor.

Zack: *This is good material for later*, Uhh Zenith I got you a present as well!

Zenith: Same here!

The 2 exchange their gifts with each other Zenith opens up his gift first tearing through the wrap and to his surprise something he's wanted for ages, a copy of the famous gacha game, Monkai Train Rail as his excitement visibly gets written on his face.


Zack: Mhmhm.

Zack opens his gift next tearing through the red wrapping, finding an entire stack of books, DVDs and games of the popular franchises: Imperial Hierarchy 1-4, along with it's sequel series Generation of Chaos, and branching timelines like Teishoku Era... he'll definitely play these later.

Yet Another happy season of gifts and cheered delivered to another Family by the grace of Saint Fujias...for this timeline at least...but in a further away Home, a small settlement run by Nobles, in the main storyline the noble family ruling this land was corrupted and purposefully neglected the people in lower class areas only caring for themselves...but in this one the tyranny of Barron jared never came, overthrown by his sister who was never born in the original timeline.

"Cadia" was the name of this settlement.

A young boy who had been abandoned practically from birth in the original timeline, Kuuga Nizome, although still abandoned in this one yet again...found a peaceful home after being adopted by a rather well-off family, and for the first time since his birth 8 years to experience his first Christmas.

Celebrating, a loud and adamant family full of energy, a large change for someone who lived a rather sad world up until 2 weeks ago, for this family he was the gift they wanted. Another adopted brother, for all 16 children of this household together were all adopted.

In the Far reaches of a Faraway land, these 2 weren't as well-off given their circumstance, in the snowy mountain an archeologist and his young son Adebayo, simply enjoying a sip of hot chocolate over some warm hot-chocolate, for this Christmas they only need themselves...

But Up in the Sky... high above, a man on a Sleigh comes one day, the day of giving and so he gives, giving too all the good readers of novels everywhere... Saint Fudias 

(Check GC once you reach dis Point)


(A/N: this is an alternating timeline, this world is basically the same as ours with slight difference, the large difference comes from the fact Magic, Constellations, and Suryoku was never birthed to this timeline since the [Redacted] Never occurred , but goodbye and merry Christmas)

To be Continued...Never. It's a special, duh

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