Chapter 35: Mirror Image

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Zack and Akuji continue to narrowly dodge the attacks of "Rose" eventually taking cover beneath a nearby damaged Building.

Zack: What exactly do we do here?

[Zack Lucifer (Timeskip)]
[Constellation: The Apex Hunter, Tekkai]
[Constellation Grade: Legendary]
[Attribute: Beast Lord (Rare)]

[Appearance: After a whole Month in jail his hair has grown longer and Messy still keeping it's crimson color, wearing some clothes he received from the Family as a reward he received A short sleeve black shirt, short sleeve white kimono, black uwa-obi (The belt), black unamari hakama pants, white tabi socks, black zori sandals, and a black and red haori over the kimono]
[Estimated Fit Price: 35,800 CP]

[Character Summary: 
At the age of 5, Zackary Lucifer exhibited exceptional abilities, leading to his abandonment by disapproving parents at 7. Surviving in the wilderness, he developed into a skilled hunter and awakened a warrior's spirit after facing deadly creatures. Recognized by a man named Zenith, Zack underwent training in various skills for seven years. At 14, he confronted and defeated his parents using abilities learned from Zenith. Now 15, Zack attends school with Zenith, armed with unique skills, weapons, and a strong connection to his ancestral voice, Tekkai.]

Akuji: Don't know, my Right hand was turned to dust man

"Rose" Remains stationary whilst firing and Onslaught of Magical Bullets, an endless hail that doesn't seem to let up, eventually beginning to slowly Walk towards the building they hide behind with an expressionless face

Zack: Hmmm...If I step out now I'd probably be blasted full of holes.

Akuji: Probably, considering that's an angel my ability won't be very effective here...

Zack: Fair enough, I've got a plan though.

"Rose" gets closer and closer to the building as it erupts into Flames that erupt into a Large Flower-Shaped Explosion, as the flames clear up "Rose" continued to be stationary with no visible damage done, Taking the opportunity as she stopped firing for a Little while to strike Her neck with his Crimson eclipsar blade.


Was the only thing Zack heard, with a Single Finger nail on her pinky his Sword was blocked barely even chipping, he dashes Backward away as the clone remains perfectly stationary barely even batting an eye with the same expressionless face.

The Clone raises her pinky Finger to the sun to inspect the damage, barely a small crack.

"Rose": That is a very dull nail clipper you have in your hand.

Zack: *That durability is higher than Rose's...*

The Clone summons a multitude Magical circles that begin rapid firing Mana blasts like a Machine Gun toward Zack, but just in time row of Golden shields appear in front of them that deflect the blasts back at the Clone which were dodged as a few of the shields broke on impact.

Akuji: Phalanx formation...!

Zack: That's a new ability in your Arsenal.

Akuji: After careful assessment, I've determined we have little to no way of beating this thing.

Zack: why the hell would I run away from a battle like this?!

Akuji: As far as I know, we gain nothing and lose nothing for winning or fleeing, I'd rather take my odds in leaving, you coming?

< Unknown Laboratory >

Vertigo kicks his feet up watching his Clones through the eyes of his creations along with planted surveillance drones, watching and monitoring their vitals the Clone of Rose's development process is increasing, albeit extremely slowly.

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