Chapter 24: The Ranker Tournament (8)

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Match Time: 0:03:23

"ladies and gentlemen, That Last Fight was spectacular to anybody who could even keep up with the Onslaught of attacks and flashing strikes, BUT WE MUST MOVE FORWARD"

As the Bouts of Round 5, The Round Progresses steadily to Round 6..

👑Rose Irisviel vs Aya Matsui

👑Minoru Keiji vs Renjiro Ishida

👑 Riku Kuragami vs Arjuna Partha

👑 Adebayo Igbo vs Irumi Vashel

"Alright my good students, once again we must go back to... the LOSERRRRRRRRRR BRACKET!"

The Crowd can easily heard disappointed, the Loser's bracket is almost always boring, filled with LOSERS!, but the crowd reluctantly Watches the Screen up above which clearly displays what happens beneath the surface.

< Loser's Bracket >

Yuta: *Sigh*

Yuta sits in the corner, having lost with quite literally 0 wins that weren't off pure Luck, it's clearly written across his face he's disappointed as Ryu tries to comfort him.

Ryu: It's okay, Everybody loses eventually, you did your best.

Yuta: My best...? My best could've ended with 2 consecutive losses, I only won those matches because one guy got scared and forfeited and another just happened to trip on a rock.

Ryu: That's fine kiddo, you just started...and too be honest you did really great in your last match till you snapped out of it.

Yuta: mmmmm.

"Ahem! welcome back, the Rankers are here once again to watch you losers progress to the next Round...put on a show, the People above want to witness actually good battles from you guys!"

Ryu: Ah, We can still watch these fights,  I wonder who's fighting!

"Our First Match Barely scraping by via fighting lower-classmen, and struggling even against a Member of team Mu ZENITH AMOS!"

Zenith walks into the Arena Semi-Confidently, he's further into the Rounds  and one of his teammates were eliminated earlier, whilst the Star of Team Zeta is taking the Winner's Tournament by Storm, in his head he knows...

Zenith: I can't slack...

Standing confidently on the Right side of the Field, Shiki announces his Opponent.

"And From a Member of the Special-S class, MIKEY WUTIAN!"

Zenith: *My opponent is Mikey?*

From the Other side Mikey steps into the Arena, It's slightly different this round, on the Sides of the Arena is a pit of Water, Falling in is obviously Elimination just like on the surface.

Mikey: Yo, good to see you again! Zenith.

Zenith: I didn't expect to see you down here so quickly.

Mikey: meh, there's always bigger fish in the sea.

Zenith: I guess that's true, I always thought Zack was stronger than anybody...but after coming here I see the world is bigger than I thought, but I'll adapt to it no matter how long it takes!

Mikey: That's some good spirit!


Mikey draws his halberd from his back and swings it around on the tip of his finger from the shaft before holding it and pointing towards Zenith, Zenith conjures 2 gauntlets to his hand as his Armor giving him beast-like traits, Predator eyes, golden horns and long blue pants with rips above them, his shoes disappear as he turns bare-footed.

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