Chapter 56: Hidden Area #3

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< Trinity Games Arc: Chapter 7 >

The Golden Temple Resurfaces, buried under millions of grams of sand deep beneath their feet, the Temple emerges in the form of a Large Golden Pyramid, Alien markings or circuitry Flowing from every corner of the Structure...

Rose, Zenith and Zack Look upon the Structure, as a Large gate at the Front opens for them, as if inviting them Inside however to the great happiness of each.

Rose: Did you see anything else Mack?

Zack: It's Zack...and maybe I would've if it wasn't smacked from my hands.

Zenith: What? It looked painful.

Zack: Trust me...I can handle pain.

Rose: Chip chip cheerio, let's go!

The Group walks towards the Entrance, sliding into the Huge Crater in the crater in the center where the Pyramid lies, A large imposing Golden Double Door, Wide Open as a Wave of Dark wind begins flowing out with an ominous aura

Zack: Chilly

Rose: All of you, wait out here while we go in


"Yes Miss...We wait out here for yee return"

The Group 3 heads Inside...As the pass an Invisible check point the Door slams shut behind them, the Mechanism sounding with a *Click* and the sounds of cogs Moving signals it has been sealed Shut.

The Group is Unbothered and keep facing forward behind Rose, eventually they come across an opening...3 Paths...One straight ahead, one to the Left and One to the Right...The Temple expects them to choose.

Rose: OOO i love these parts of these little games you humans play!

Zenith: I guess it expects to each choose a different path...

Zack: I'll take straight.

Rose: Denied, Zenith you go Straight, Zack you go right.

Zack: What? why?

Rose: Because I said so, and of course I'll take left, does everybody agree?

Zack: I-

Charisma (9)
The User will always be In Favor of the Crowd and can seemingly never be disliked or unopposed on opinions unless the Person's heart belongs to another

Zack: Sure! absolutely no disagreements here!

Rose: Great! we can meet back here if anything.

And Just like that, the Group splits up, Zack and Zenith went Right and Straight respectively while Rose took the Left...As Zenith walks down the Path the Stone door closes Behind him, and Ancient Markings Appear on the Door (like a shekah slate from Zelda) to stop it from being broken...

As he turns back to the Door, Unlit torches suddenly become Ignited in a Strange Purple Fire revealing a Looming Hallway seemingly never ending in Length as Zenith continues walking...

Zenith: This hallway is Long as hell but...I think I can see a door at the end

Zenith continues Walking in the Narrow path before encountering a Large Stone Door...Standing at about 15 Feet tall he rubs his Hand together causing friction.

Zenith: Welp...not Like I can turn back!

Enhancing himself with Suryoku of the 3 star Tier, Zenith Pushes on the large and Heavy stone Doors as they Barely even Budge a bit...He uses hisSynthesizeAbility to analyze the door and is Sure it's just Stone.

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