Chapter 1

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Abhay's POV

I am sitting in my cabin while working on PC.

"Aren't we getting bored?"- my inner self.

Umm... Yeah, a little bit.

"Let's play a game."

What game?

"Well the internet speed is good and boss is also busy, so..."

No no. That's not good.

"Why not?"

If he get to know that I did that again, then ...?

"You are fast in hiding, bro"

Yeah, but last time he saw somehow.

"Don't worry, Let's try na"






"That's what we want"

Ah... Fine.

I downloaded my favourite game Minecraft, and created a new world in it. Suddenly I heard my boss walking out from his cabin. I pressed Alt+Tab key and get on work again.

I already said not to do.


Hey, don't you want to put your nose in between again?


Ah, Fine.


Well, I somehow passed my whole work hours and now I am coming back to home after so much boring stuff.

Well, My name is Abhay Gautam, son of Dev Gautam and Devki Gautam. I am 25 and work at Microsoft. I am currently working in New York, US. My mom and Dad lives in India. I am B. Tech+ M. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering. Blah...blah...blah...blah....
I am not so good in introducing myself so whenever required I will introduce. I am in US from past 2 years. Tommorow I have to leave for my mother land, India as my mom asked me to come.

If you are asking Why? Then let me told you, I don't know. I never question to anything which my mom says me to do. She asked me to come, I am going.

"So we are going back to India tommorow?"

Yeah, Didn't you heard correctly.

"I don't want to leave US."

What? You don't want to go back to our own country.

"No no, I just don't feel free with your"

Don't you dare to say anything about my mom or dad.

Yeah guys, This is my own brain. He and me are best friends. I am not a mental. Its just you can say my other personality, which never takes me over. Its just talk.

I am excited for tommorow, I am excited to meet my mom, my dad mother land.

No, I don't have any Girlfriend not even a girl-friend. #sadlife


That's all for this chapter, hope you like it.

Abhay is a mumma's boy and he always follow his mom, never ever question her.

What do you think, Mrs. Devki is calling him for?

What do you think will Abhay's brain feel there?

Let me know about your thoughts in comment and also vote if you liked it.

~Aditya 🧡


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