Chapter 32

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Prerna's POV

We are sitting on a large tree, my husband's arms is around me and my head is on his shoulder. We both are silent and gazing at the view.

"Do you like to have Icecream? It's October.", he asked, as we saw a vendor.

"Yes, I'd love to.", I said. Even though I gets cold and fever whenever I had anything cold in winter. I know I know Winter isn't totally here, but Winter Is Coming.  [Tagline stolen of Game Of Thrones 🤫]

Abhay ji jumped from the tree and bring two icecreams for us from a vendor.

"Here, Your favourite Strawberry, and mine Vanilla.", He gave one to me. He still remember that my favourite is Strawberry. Last time we had icecream was when he was taking me back from Bhopal.

Oh.... Its been so much time since I met my parents and bhabhi and bhaiya, almost 3 months. Ah... I am missing them. But, I talk to them almost daily.

"So, .....", Abhay ji wants to say something, but is unable to say it. Trying to make gestures with hands, but words are not coming. Then he sighs. 

"You want to ask about Sumit?", I asked him.

He neither said yes nor no. He took a bite from his icecream and was moving his eyebrows here and there.

I am also nervous to tell him, not because I did something wrong. I didn't did anything wrong, I am not unable to tell because I lied to him. I kept it hidden from him when he asked me.

"Okay, No problem. I can understand your situation.", He said.

"No no. Its not like that. I-i-i didn't wanted to hide it....", I said.

"I really know, we can't feel like opening up with random people about our past.", He said and then he licked his icecream.

Did I actually hurted him a lot? I think I did. How stupid I am! Now he feels like he's just a random guy to me. No, You aren't. You are special, very Special.

"You are not any 'random' people for me. I am sorry I made you feel that.", I looked down.

He hits his forehead with his palm and said, "Oh sh*t, I wasn't taunting. Really, I wasn't. I just couldn't get proper words for that.... that.... um...." He again made some gestures from hands. "Ah... Leave it...."

"I thought it was all in the past, so there was no use talking about it... I didn't think he would come back...", I said it finally.

"It is not your fault, I can understand it. Sometimes we just do whatever we could think at that time, but we should have the courage to accept it. And, you did that. You accepted it.", He smiled and that made me feel better.

I think I should tell him everything. Everything that happened between me and Sumit. Take deep breath, Prerna, take deep breaths.

"Sumit was my ex-boyfriend, about whom I didn't told you.", I told this to Abhay ji while squeezing my eyes.

"Hmm....", He just did humming, which depicts that he want to listen more.

"Actually, I was in my 1st year of college and there he was my senior. And, was also the vice-captain of our college's Cricket team. When I used to walk in the corridor, I glanced him many times playing perfect coverdrives....."

"You fall for coverdrives????", He asked with raising eyebrows in shock.

"No, Actually Virat Kohli is my favourite player so... his coverdrives were perfect like Virat's...."

"What a silly reason this is!! I like Rohit Sharma, that doesn't mean I will fall for any girl who plays perfect pull shot.", He was feeling like jealousy. Is he being jealous of Sumit??? Nah, I am thinking much, why would he???

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