Chapter 4

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Violet's POV

After the guys left to do their match I stayed in Randy's locker room and watched their match.

I heard someone walk in here. I didn't think of it until whoever it was walked in front of the TV. It was CM Punk.

"Who are you?" He asked looking at me all weird considering there is an awkward girl in here.

"Violet. Randy is my brother" I said and looked down. He didn't say anything else he just grabbed what he needed and walked out. Well then.

Randy's POV

I was doing my match with Sheamus and I couldn't even focus. I could only think about Violet. I don't get why anyone would hurt her

I tried to hit my RKO on him but he pushed me off and I ran to the ropes and ran back and he did his Brogue kick and pinned me.

I kicked out and Sheamus picked me up and did his other finisher, The Celtic Cross and pinned me.

The referee gets to 2 and I hear the Shields music play. Sheamus gets up before the referee got to 3. I rolled over to the edge of the ring and stayed there.

Dean Seth and Roman all ran down the stairs through the crowd. Sheamus and the Shield have been having a feuds for like 2 weeks.

They all get in ring and start beating up Sheamus. I start getting up with the turnbuckle and Roman was about to spear Sheamus but he moves and spears me instead. This is not my night apparently.

I hold my ribs and my jaw from Sheamus and I just lay there. Dean Seth and Roman do the triple powerbomb to Sheamus to end Smackdown.

I roll out the ring and head up the ramp without doing anything else. I head into my locker room and see Violet sitting there.

Violets POV

"Omg Randy I saw what happened! Are you okay?" I helped him sit down on the couch.

"Yea I'm good. I'm gonna change into comfortable clothes then we are all gonna get back on the bus." He says and gets up.

Dean Roman and Seth all walk in, wearing different clothes then their ring gear. They sit on the couch and I'm in the middle.

Randy comes out with regular clothes on.

"My jaw hurts like a bitch." Randy said and holds the side of his face as we all walk out.

Why are we being so quiet?

We get in the tour bus and we all sit there and Seth turns the TV. I look at them. "What are we doing tomorrow? I asked

"I can take you to the mall and we can get you new clothes and new everything." Dean said.

"You don't need to I'm good with everything I have." I said and looked down.

"I'll take you it's okay babygirl" he said and pulled me in his lap. I put my head in his chest and fell asleep.

Dean's POV

Me and the guys have been trying to think of a way to show Violet that we really care for her. We came up with that Me and Randy would take her to the mall and get her whatever it is she wants. And Seth and Roman would set her room up on the bus in the bigger room that Randy has since this was his bus in the first place.

I watched as Violet fell asleep. I don't get why anyone would hurt her. I kissed the top of her head and let her sleep.

After around half a hour I laid her on her bed and saw a little notebook under her pillow. It looks really old. I grabbed it and saw it said 'Don't Touch' in big letters on the front.

I don't know if I should show the guys or not. I think I should. I brought it to them and we all read the first pages of it. She wrote this when she got put up for adoption.

Violet's POV

I wake up and head to the kitchen to get something to drink and I see Randy Dean Seth and Roman looking through my journal.

I ran up to them and snatched it out of Randy's hand.

"Why are you reading this?!" I say crying. "It says don't read it on the front!" I said louder.

Dean looks upset.

"Who touched it first?" I said because no one was saying anything.

"Dean did!" Seth says like a little kid. I looked at Dean really mad and I was crying which I hated when people saw me cry.

"Look Violet I'm sorry. I didn't mean to look at it. I just wanted to know exactly what happened to you." He looks down.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my little sweater and a water bottle and walked out the bus and slammed the door behind me. I still had my journal with me.

I heard the door open behind me and heard someone walking behind me. I ignored whoever it was and continued walking until I found what I needed.

The gym.

I go straight to the punching bags and start punching it.

I see CM Punk using the punching bag next to me.

He looks at me and pulls out a picture of me, my brother, and my mom and dad.

"Why do you have this?" I asked confused.

"Are you that stupid? That's me you mom and dad" he gave me an attitude.

Wait, what?

CM Punk Is my brother and I never knew that. That's sad.

There was no one else in the gym besides us and I thought about things a little bit, about what he did when I was younger. I deserved payback.

I ran up to him and tackled him and started punching him in the face. It's payback.

I feel someone put their arms around me and lift me off of him. I tried to get out of whoever it was arms but he was to strong.

"Let go. This bitch deserves this!!" I screamed and looked at the arms and recognized the arms. It was Dean.

Randy Seth and Roman lean down next to Punk while I'm kicking and screaming at Dean to let me go.

They help stand Punk up and sit him in a chair. I look closer at him and his nose is really bad bruised all ready and is bleeding. I think I broke his nose. Cool.

"Dean I swear if you don't put me down i am literally gonna hurt you. Which I should do anyway for what you did." I yelled and grabbed his arms to try to get him to let go but he held tighter.

I kicked Dean where guys shouldn't be kicked and he dropped me. I picked up the picture from the ground since Punk had dropped it and find a lighter under a chair next to me and I bring the lighter up to picture and burn it.

I hold it and watch it burn. I slide down the wall and cry. My family is shit. I wish these 3 motherfuckers died!!" I said loudly and they all heard it.

After the picture is completely burnt, I get up and walk up to Dean who was sitting on one of the chairs. i was starting to say something but I stopped and walked away. I continued to punch on the punching bag pretending my family was in the bag.

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