Chapter 49

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Fast Forward to the night of Payback

Violet's POV

Tonight is the night. My big match against Phil, and I'm not even scared, I don't need to be. As long as I have some sort of weapon in my hand, I don't have to worry about anything.

We just pulled up to the arena and as we go to get off the bus Randy stopped me.

"Violet wait." I turn around and face him.

"What's up?"

Seth and Dean got off already and are already inside so it's just us.

"I wanted to talk to you about a few things before tonight." he tells me and I nod for him to continue. "I just wanna tell you how insanely proud I am of you standing up to Phil like you are, being as strong as you are. No matter how many times people brought you down, or how many times you got hurt, you still got back up and came back better than ever and I'm so proud of you. None of us realized this before but Payback is in you're hometown tonight. This is the first time you'll be performing in front of your town. Phil has already said that your mom and dad will be there front row to watch it. I don't want to add all this stress on you before tonight but I just want you to know that you got this and if things get too out of hand me and Seth will be right there okay?" He tell me and looks me straight in the eyes.

I take a minute to process everything he said and then my head fully wraps around the fact that we're in my hometown. I don't know how I should be excited or scared or emotionless. And my mom and dad will be there too, I really don't like that. Phil probably has some sort of plan made up to get them involved too.

"Okay but please try not to come out there because I really want to do it on my own, but if you feel like you have to go ahead but if I bring out people to help me my mom and dad are going to keep calling me a baby and shit and I wanna prove to them that I'm not a little baby anymore." I tell him hoping he understands.

"Okay we'll try but it's just hard watching someone you care for get hurt." he tells me and I nod.

A couple of hours later

My match is coming they're starting a match right now and then mine is next. I wasn't scared or nervous at first but now knowing that I'm in my
hometown with my parents watching, it sits kind of uneasy with me. Dean is sitting there and he notices.

"Baby are you okay? You were so excited earlier, what happened?" He wraps his arm around me and looks at me and I look down at his injured leg.

"I don't know I found out a few hours ago that were in my hometown where everyone hates me, Mom and dad are front row and Phil will most likely get them involved, its just all these thoughts are just hitting me and I don't know." I look down.

"Violet listen. I know you can do this, Phil brought them here just to get you distracted. Do not let them get you distracted, stay focused on Phil and only Phil. Tonight is your night to show who the bigger, badder, and better person is." He tells me and forces me to look up at him and he kisses me.

Randy and Seth walk in the locker room.

"Are you ready?" Randy asks me and I nod.

I slowly get up and check my appearance in the mirror hanging on the wall.

I walk towards the door and look back at Dean, shoot him a smile and he smiles back. "Good luck baby."

We walk out and on both sides of me are Seth and Randy.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this Violet?" Seth asks me and I nod.

"Yes Seth I have to." I simply say.

We watch our Promo on the TV and wait for our music to play. I don't even know who's coming out first.

After it's over I look on the other side of the room and see Phil over there with AJ.

I see Jojo on the screen as Phil's music played.

"Introducing first, the challenger, from Chicago Illinois weighing 218 pounds, CM Punk"

I take in a deep breath and watch him on the TV

"When I was little I never would've seen myself here getting payback on Phil like I am right now." I smile at the thought. "Years and Years and Years of hurt and pain and I finally get my revenge and payback right now." I can't stop smiling.

Randy and Seth hug me and tell me good luck and that they're not leaving this area until the match is over.

I hear my music play and I walk out into the view of everyone and Smile.

"Introducing Next, she is from Chicago Illinois, Violet"

I get into the ring and lean against the turn buckle. I see my parents sitting right front row like Randy said.

The bell rings and immediately then Phil gets out the ring and goes up to them and tells them something causing them to smile and laugh. He then goes to the apron and lifts it up and grabs a chair.

I slide out the ring as well and find something I can use against him.

About 20 minutes later

Phil and I are putting up one hell of a fight, at least I think we are. The crowd had been on their feet since the second the bell rung so I guess that's good.

We are both busted open, pretty bad. Mine is at the top of my forehead and Phil's is under his eyebrow.

He slowly gets up from him getting put through a table and I'm laying on the ground outside the ring. It hurts to move, my whole body hurts.

Phil picks me up off the ground pushes me into the ring. I look at all the blood we have left. Damn.

He lifts me up yet again and does his finisher, GTS on me causing me to lay back down and I hold my head to stop any more blood from coming out.

Phil gets down and pins me.



uh ohhh does Violet kick out?

Who do you guys want to see win this match because i'm stuck deciding who should win

feel free to vote + comment

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