Chapter 48

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I may not be able to update tomorrow because I'm having serious surgery tomorrow so yeahh😭

Violet's POV

"Randy I have to tell you something, Seth isn't exactly pleased with the idea as much." I look back at Seth and he shrugs.

"Seth is a very understandable guy, if he isn't thrilled I'm not entirely sure if I will be either." He grabs a water bottle and opens it.

"Okay, so you know all the shit Phil put me through." I roll my eyes at the thought. "Okay so after I beat him, he came to Hunter and Stephanie while I was talking to them and said he wanted another match but he wants a No Disqualification match." I look around avoiding eye contact with him.

"You didn't even tell him the last part Violet. She agreed to it!" Seth shouts throwing his phone in his bag since we're getting ready to leave for the hospital.

"Violet I don't know." Randy wipes his forehead with a towel to dry all his sweat from his match. "I get that you want revenge on him but Phil can easily do anything to you, and bring anyone out there."

"Randy please I have to do this. I'll dedicate the match to Roman and Dean and kick Phil's ass. Please if things get too out of hand then you and Seth can come out. Please Randy." I beg him

"Okay fine. Me and Seth will be right there at the gorilla the entire time in case anything happens." Randy still doesn't look excited about it.

"Yes! Thank you Randy!" I smile and hug him and he hugs back.


We're on the bus on the way to the hospital to see Dean and I'm calling Roman to tell him about my match.

"Hello?" He says into the phone.

"Hey." I smile hearing his voice even tho it's only been like 12 hours since he left.

"What's up kiddo?"

"Nothing really. I don't wanna take away time from you and your family but I wanna tell you something real quick."


"So I don't think you were able to watch Raw tonight but me and Dean had to team up against Phil and AJ. And during the match Dean hurt his leg really bad and we're on the way to the hospital now. But what I wanted to tell you is that I accepted a No Disqualification match at Payback next week against him." I tell him hoping he won't be mad.

"Babygirl please don't get hurt. I don't want you in the same position as Dean right now." He says calmly. "Please let me know how Dean is doing when you see him."


"And you best believe that I will watch you next weekend."

"Thank you Roman." I smile.

"Welcome love well I gotta go. I just pulled up at my house and I'm gonna go in and see everyone. I love you and stay safe."

"You too. Love you too." I tell him and hang up.

I take a deep breath as we pull up to the hospital.

"You ready?" Randy asks putting on a shirt since he just got out the shower.

"Yeah I wanna see Dean," I tell him and get up off the couch and head towards the door and Seth eventually follows.

We go into the hospital and go to the front desk.

"Name?" She asks like a snobby old bitch.

"Dean Ambrose."

"Room 312. Third floor on the left." She tells us and we go into the elevator.

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