Chapter 19

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Before I start this chapter I need to say RIP to quite a few people. One being Roddy Piper. He's left a big impact in WWE and he'll be missed. Next is my baby cousin. ily babygirl💓 The last one is probably the hardest to talk about but RIP to my aunt💔 I'll miss you more than words can explain😥😘 I love you more than life

Violet's POV

After 30 minutes of walking through this unknown city, no signs of Phil at all. I run into a hotel and see if he was possibly standing in the lobby but nope.

I go the gym and start looking for him but I got distracted when I start doing my normal gym routine.

I hear the door open and I quickly look over hoping its Phil but instead I'm seeing the guys.

I walk up to them sweating. "Phil's not anywhere to be found." I said.

"We'll find him baby girl I swear. He's scheduled for Smackdown tonight so we'll see him then." Dean says and I nod.


After our workout, we head to the arena. The first thing I do is go looking for Phil. Beating his ass is the only thing I care about right now and getting my journal back.

I run through the arena in hopes of finding him but I can't. Raw starts in about 10 minutes and I'm not even in my ring gear.

I run to my lockeroom and get changed. At this point, Raw starts in 3 minutes and I just give up on looking for Phil for now. I see the guys sitting in their lockeroom, so I come in and on Deans lap because there's no where else to sit.

"Well hello to you too" he laughs a bit. Awe he's so cute when he laughs

"Hi" I say smiling I yawn and lay my head on his shoulder. "I'm so tired"

"You got 3 more hours before you can sleep" he wraps his arm around me.

"I know" I zone out a little until I hear Phil's music hit. I snap up and stare straight at the tv. I tense when he shows on the tv.

"I'm gonna go kick his ass!" I scream and try to get up but Dean holds me down.

"baby please calm down. You can get your journal back soon. Okay?" he tries to calm me down but it doesn't work.

"No I have to beat him. Let me go!" I shout at him.

I look closer at the TV screen and when he gets in the ring, I notice he has my journal in his hands.

"hell no!!" I scream really loud and try to get up. "Dean let the fuck go." I grab his wrists and push them off me and run through the arena trying to find my way around this arena.

I find my way to the stage just to see Big Show and Kane guarding the stairs leading to the stage.

I try to run past but but they put their arms in front of me so I can't get by.

"Damn it move!!" I yell at them and hear Phil starts reading the journal. I kick Big Show in the manhood and he drops to the floor and I do the same to Kane.

I run up the 4 steps that lead to the stage and ran down the ramp, the crowd cheers louder and louder each second.

I slide into the ring and immediately attack Phil to the mat. I keep throwing punches and kicks to his face.

"I fucking hate you Punk" I scream at him having to use his TV name.

I feel people wrap their arms around me.

"Stop let me go!!" I kick whoever it is. I turn my head to see Hunter with his arms around me. I throw my elbow back, it connecting with his face. He lets go to hold his face while I continue the attack on Phil.

I feel more people try to get me off Phil. J&J. They're week asses and can't even get me off him so I have no problem with continuing my attack.

By this point Phil already has a bloody nose, which is a good thing. J&J start punching harder so I just give them a big punch to the jaw, the one Roman taught me.

As I continue my attack, I notice Randy and Seth just got in here too. They both pick me off Phil and they hold me in a corner. Hunter and Stephanie come up to me and start yelling.

I zone out of his yelling when I feel a slap to the face. I look and see both their faces filled with anger and rage.

I see the book that means more than life to me laying on the mat. I need it.

I try to get out Seth and Randy's grip but they're way to strong, I couldn't even move.

Big Show and Kane come next into the ring and they do the a double choke slam to me. I groan when my back comes in contact with the mat.

Hunter gives me a pedigree I hear the crowd cheer louder and louder. I roll to the corner on the ring and see Dean and Roman run in.

They dominate The Authority, when everyone is down, I climb to feet and hug Dean and Roman.

We go to our lockeroom and I just lay on the couch. I groan a bit because of slight pain.

"I'm so exhausted" I say yawning.

"We're all gonna go change then we can go on the bus. Okay?" Seth smiles.

The guys all grab clothes and that's the last thing I remember before falling into a peaceful sleep.

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